Friday, December 9, 2011

The Word became flesh for fallen man

So vast, so deep, you know I’ll never understand,
 The mysteries, the wonders of the works of your hands,
  These same hands now in the form of a babe,
    Holding on to a mother’s breast where His head lay,
     The Word became flesh for fallen man.

No royal announcement, your glory laid down,
 Born far from a Palace, golden hay for a crown,
  Lowly shepherds, would be the first to hear,
   The humblest of hearts that you would call near,
     The Word became flesh for fallen man.

From the heights of heaven, now hid in a cave,
In the midst of the darkness, that you came to save,
  Salvation has come, let the heavens now ring,
   Emmanuel , it is only to you that we will sing,
    For the Word has become flesh for fallen man.

Hannah's Head, Hannah the dazed one and Haddy.

Hannah 2 minutes later


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