Monday, December 19, 2011



6940 Logan
Lincoln, Neb. 68507

                  Born:     August 29, 1960 at Gravette Arkansas

                  Family:  Wife – Julie Lorena Hunter born in Lincoln, Nebraska July 18, 1963
                              Married September 3, 1988
                              Children – Hannah Grace, born September 24, 1992
                                                Hadassah Ann, born May 18, 1995

                  Interests:  Football, Reading, History, Music, Drama, and Fishing.

                    Ordained: October 10, 1989-Grace Baptist Church, Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Ministerial experience

                  Associate and Youth Pastor
                  December 1999 – October 2011                   Reeves Bible Church      Reeves, La.
                  n Associate work  involved preaching, marital counseling, discipleship, training of
                        leadership, visitation, leading Bible studies and assisting our pastor in various areas.
                  n We  developed a youth group of 48 or more, who grew both spiritually and physically. In
                        a town of about 190 people we averaged about 240-260 people on Sunday morning.
                  n We  taught our teens by going through books of the Bible one verse at a time.
                        We met with our teens for Sunday School, Sunday Evening and Wednesday Evening. 
                  n We raised up ministry teams where our teens were involved in drama, preaching,
                        teaching,  and music.

                  August 1994-December 1999                       Sandusky Baptist Church                       Sandusky, Mich.
                  n Main ministries:  Led Adult Sunday School, morning and evening worship services,
                        Wednesday night prayer services and visitation duties.
                  n Other ministries: AWANAS, weekly chapel services at Sandusky Christian School,
                        Prayer Breakfast, Discipleship, Counseling and served on the Sandusky Christian
                        School Board.
                  n Served as President of the S.E. Sectional of the IFCA in Michigan for a 3 year term.
                        Served also as the Youth Committee Director for the Michigan IFCA Regional.

                  Youth Pastor
                  February 1991-July 1994       Calvary Bible Church                             Grand Junction, Co.
                  n Upon first arrival at Calvary, we had about 6 teens who were regular in attendance on
                        Sunday morning. When we left, our average attendance was a little over 20.
                  n Our Wednesday night Bible study became a good outreach in the community. We averaged
                           around 30 or more teens. The majority of these teens went on to bible college and are
                           serving in their local churches or in other full time ministries.

                  Various other Ministries
                  n 1987-1991-Served with North Arkansas Gospel Mission working with evangelism, revival      
                        meetings, Program Director for Rock Haven Bible Camp and camp speaker.
                  n 1985-1987-Served as Youth Pastor at Grace Baptist Church in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
                  n 1984-1983-Visitation Pastor for Ozark Bible Church in Ozark, Arkansas.


                  Pastoral-Bible Major
                  B.A. Degree            in 1983            Citadel Bible College      Ozark, Ark.
                  n Citadel would later merge with Calvary Bible College located in Kansas City.

                  Graduated from High School
                  1979                       Gravette High School                            Gravette, Ark.

 I was always taught about Jesus Christ and what He had done for me upon the Cross. Even though I knew the facts about the Gospel, I still rejected the One Who died and rose again for me. It was not until I turned 18 that I received Him as Lord and Savior. It was then that I cried out for Him to save me. Within a period of two week after my salvation, the Lord called me into full time ministry.

(References will be sent upon request.)

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