Friday, December 2, 2011

Barnes and Noble Coffee Drinking

     Sitting here at Barnes and Noble and having a cup of coffee. I love being surrounded by people and just watching them and how they react towards each other. Conversations, questions and gazing looks. An older couple who are sitting with each other just a few feet away are finishing each others sentences. A little girl with a Husker football in her hand and a smile on her face as she drinks, no drops her iced latte on the floor. Mommy is shouted out for and a sweet lady behind the counter fixes her a new one to take its place. It must be Christmas time.

    Surrounded by books and the smell of coffee in the air. What a beautiful world He has given us to enjoy. You know its the sanguine in me as I love watching people. I still stand in awe as I look at the unique creation that He has made and above all just the idea of people. We were made to communicate, to long for one another, to love and be loved. Why? We were created in His image.

     He created us to have fellowship with Him. He longs to have a relationship with us. The Divine one wants to hear our voices. This fact alone should shake us to our knees. We should be crying out as the angels, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come."

     The question though, is do I really want to be with Him? Do I long to hear His voice? Do I long to know Him? I think often for many the answer is simply no. Though I am surrounded by all of these people in the coffee shop none of them know me. There will be some who will smile at me or maybe even say a passing hello. Know me though, or want to, not many will  go out of their way to develop a relationship with me. Some might, but as a whole it will only be surface.

     What is wild to me is that this is how many will treat our Savior. The one who bled, died and rose again for their sins is forgotten. Many do not even make Him part of the conversation. They ignore or pretend to ignore Him, while all of creations shouts out His name.

     I look all around me, and often I just want to shout out at the top of my lungs. "Wake up from your slumber." They are blind. The walking dead. I know this to be true as I was once like them. I think of loved ones, friends, co-workers and neighbors. How my heart breaks.

     Even more, what must it be like to be the creator of the universe and to be ignored by your creation ? He who has His eyes ever opened is never looked upon. He who has His arms spread wide, is passed by.
How His heart must break when His creation refuses to bow down and call Him Lord.

     I guess what I am trying to get at is, I want the Lord to open my eyes to see how desperately in need His creation is of Him. We have a message of hope that we can share. A message of peace that we can give our fellow man. The babe in the manger is not just a babe but the king of kings. As they go along blindly in the day we can proclaim to them that Light has come. He is here and wants to be known.

Somewhere between Wyoming and Lincoln. Bringing Hannah home for Thanksgiving.

Hannah, Our Hannah and Julie


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