Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Truth is out there

     One of my favorite shows of all time would start with these words, “The truth is out there.” Week after week I would watch to enjoy the pursuit of Mulder and Foxe. It was a wild and exciting ride. The problem was the, “truth” that they found was not truth at all.

      It was the pursuit for the truth that always intrigued me the most. Like King Arthur’s quest for the grail, the pursuit is the thing. The pursuit of truth though can be a tricky thing. It still amazes me how Pilate, would ask the question, “What is truth?”  Truth was standing right in front of him and he did not even know it. The blindness that covered the eyes of Pilate is still alive and well today.

     No absolutes. Everything is relative. Truth has become the fleeting rainbow that we will never obtain. This is the chanting of the priest of darkness that rule our day. The sad part is, we are seeing a whole generation falling into this philosophical quicksand. What is truth?

     In the simplest of terms the embodiment of truth is Jesus Himself.  In one of Jesus most famous quotes He would say, “I am the way, the TRUTH and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me.”  No great shocker for those of us who are followers of the Lamb. Yet, this is the most drastic of statements to a lost and dying world. They refuse not only to grasp it but to even hear it.

     Two harsh statements then become true if Jesus is the very embodiment of truth. The first is that as believers are we able to defend this truth? There really are times in which the unsaved world wants to know, why do we believe what we believe. It is not enough for us to say, “Well, I just believe it.” No we must be able to defend it and not with just glib and pointless statements. This is why Paul wrote “Be prepared to give an answer for the hope that is within you.”

     We must accept the fact that as individuals we do not have all the answers. Yet, we are not to use that as an excuse to remain as ignorant little children, let loose in the playground of life without direction. Am I reading the Word of God daily?  Am I asking questions as I go through this precious book?

     As defenders for the truth we must be ready. Read and above all things READ WELL. When reading books that deal about our Lord, think and ask questions constantly. He has given us the Spirit of God who wants to lead us into truth. He has also given us godly men who can help us on the way. An incredible tool for defending the truth is written by one of my former youth. His name is Shea and he has a great website called, “Got”

     The second implication of Jesus being the very embodiment of truth is found in the words of all people, Jack Nicholson. In one of the most quoted lines in all of movie history, Jack states, “You can’t handle the truth.” Let me point out two thoughts concerning this issue.

1.         Some people have so hardened their hearts to truth they simply will not believe. They will not even allow for the possibility of Jesus being who He said He was. He was just a good man who had spoken some truths but not all are to be taken as absolutes. In their hardened state they refuse to believe and instead they will believe a lie. Like Pharaoh of old they harden their hearts to the point in which they can no longer see.

2.         The majority of those who refuse to see that Jesus is the embodiment of truth do so because it would mean there would be one with authority over them. One with whom they would have to bow their knee towards.  They cannot handle the idea that they are sinners in need of a Savior. The light of the world has stepped into their darkness.  Like rats with our sins, will scatter back into our dark holes when the lights are turned on. The majority love darkness more than they do the light.

The unsaved world can’t handle the truth. Yet, it is their only hope. The truth that is only found in Jesus must be proclaimed. We all were once children of darkness but light has come into the world. Let us as believers stand as lights in the midst of a crooked and perverse world. Let us shine forth the truth that Jesus is the answer for the world today. Let us who are believers pursue the truth at all cost.

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