Wednesday, December 21, 2011


     I grew up in a household where we were always early. If a movie started at a certain time we would be there ten – fifteen minutes before. Why? We did not want to miss the coming attractions. If we would be late for them then we would wait for the next showing.

     As a family when we would go to the old Gravette Bible Church we would be there early for the services. This rubbed off on me and as the years pass by, I became even more desirous of being early.  The big reason is simple, in the words of Steven Tyler, “I don’t want to miss a thing.”

     Mom, would yell out to me, “Are you ready,” or “What are you waiting for?” I knew that I needed to be prepared to go in a moment’s notice or be left behind. Sometimes I would take my time. I knew that I had plenty of it. Problem with this line of reasoning was it wasn’t my time. It was moms and you had better be on time or else.

     The other reason why I would not be ready is because I felt as though I had more important things to do. Did they not understand that Scooby Doo or Mighty Mouse was on? Come on, I’m eating my Captain Crunch, don’t bother me.  Not realizing that often because of the minors I missed out on what was more important.

     This is how the world reacts to the things of God. He says that He is coming back. The world puts off coming to Him as they know they can come to Him on their own time. The Scriptures tell us another story and that is, God waits on no man. He is in charge of our time here on earth.  Yet, they dance to the fiddle of the evil one and say, “Maybe tomorrow.”

     How many have put Jesus on the not important list? There is so much to do, to see, to explore can He really be that important? Waking up they realize that all that was so important faded like the grass. All of their toys perish in the flames.

     Let’s stop for a moment though as believers and think. Yes, we have eternity in our hearts and the hope of glory. We will see Him face to face and the veil will be cast aside.  The question though as a believer is still, “Am I Ready?” Have I lived this life to the fullest for His glory? Am I looking forward to seeing His blessed face?

     This Christmas I want to give Him the gift of a prepared heart. I want to be ready to meet Him. I want Him to say, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”  May we live our lives in such a way that we are ready to meet Him.

     May all of you have a great Christmas and God bless you everyone. 


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