Thursday, June 16, 2011

How far are you willing to go? Col. 1:24

Grandma Gabler, Haddy and Hannah

Colossians 1:24 ( ESV )

24Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church,
     I love the old movie, "The Untouchables," one of the main reasons is because of the clear division between good and evil throughout the movie. The other reason is for Sean Connery's role as an old beat cop. My favorite scene is when Connery ask Kevin Costner's character, "How far are you willing to go?" He knows that in order to take Al Capone down it will cost them everything. It will cost the lives of those around them and maybe even their own. Yet, it would be worth it all if the enemy was taken down. That is Paul's attitude here in this passage but for a far more noble goal. The souls of man. This is why Paul could rejoice in his sufferings.

     Paul had earlier stated that he wanted to know Christ and the fellowship of His sufferings. He now lives it out as he says, "that he rejoiced in his suffering for their sake." That may sound strange to many of us especially in the light of our pleasure driven world. These are the words of a man who was imprisoned, stoned, whipped and tortured. Yet, his Jesus became only sweeter and dearer to him. Paul saw beyond the pain and realized his suffering was for the spreading of the Gospel.

     When you and I suffer for Christ and for fellow believers we can rejoice that we have been counted worthy. Don't be shocked if the world hates us for they hated Him. When they attack us for His name's sake they are fulfilling their desire to shame Him. It is in this way that Paul says, "I am filling up what is lacking in Christ affliction, for the sake of His body, that is the church."

     None of us want to emotionally suffer, let alone physically. For some of us though, Christ will honor us with that  privilege. What will we do? Will we rejoice to honor Him for counting us worthy? 

     Another line that I love in the same scene is when Connery knows it may cost him his life. He sighs, and then says, "The Lord hates cowards." (By the way this is a true statement. Rev. 21:8) Father, help me not to be a coward. Help me to be willing to suffer for your name. Help me to rejoice in my sufferings for your sake. How far am I willing to Go?

The Old Youth Building.

(Left to right: Scout, Hannah, Julie and Elvis.)

1 comment:

Julie Moore said...

I'm proud of you babe and know I'm praying for you.