Saturday, June 11, 2011

Just some thoughts from Colossians 1:1-2

Colossians 1:1 ( ESV )

1Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother,

     I am first of all placed in the position or situation that I am in by the will of God. (He has placed me or allowed me to be here by His desire.) How will I live in light of this truth? 

  • Complain @ it.
  • Work through it.
  • Serve Him to the best of my abilities through it all.
Am I acting like an Apostle? Not in the arena of the office as this was for a limited time only and was one of the foundational gifts of the early church. But rather do I truly believe that I am a, "Sent one," by God who will represent His kingdom to a lost and dying world. I am to be His voice to those around me.

Colossians 1:2 ( ESV )

2To the saints and faithful brothers£ in Christ at Colossae:Grace to you and peace from God our Father.

     I am to be marked as a person who is a saint or a set apart one for God. So when I put all of this together, I come up with the following statement. I am sent here by God to be set apart in this world for His glory.

     The word Faithful as used here is used in the N.T. for a believer. Lord, God am I truly one who lives faithfully for you? What of my many whoredoms?  Forgive me, for chasing after so many of my own desires. Teach me to be a faithful servant, who claims as his greatest joy to follow hard after you and what you want.

     What a joy that word brother is to me. I am part of a true spiritual family. I am just one of a band of brothers who make up a part of your family. Do I treat other brothers as a part of my family or are there those who are social outcast in my life? God transform my thinking and allow me to live constantly before others as a member of your royal family.

     I am an adopted child whom you have showered your Grace upon and because of what you have done I can have peace in this troubled world. The greatest joy of all is to know that you would call me your son and that I can cry out to you these words, "ABBA, FATHER."

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