Friday, June 17, 2011

The Mystery revealed. Col. 1:25-27

Colossians 1:25-27 ( ESV )

25of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from God that was given to me for you, to make the word of God fully known,

26the mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to his saints.

27To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

     A steward was a job that very seldom received praise. He was a person who oversaw the affairs of his master. The stewards main responsibility was to see that his master's house was in order.

     Paul, in this passage before us was a steward., His duty was to overlook the house of God. His responsibility was to make the Word of God plain and clear before the church of God. As ministers and stewards of the Word of God we are called to help reveal the, "mysteries," of the Word of God.

     I love a mystery novel almost more than any kind of read, except for history. What I love the most though about a mystery is when the secret is revealed. When I get to find out who was behind all of the murders or crimes. Paul, is getting ready to reveal one of the greatest mysteries of all in this passage.

     MacArthur makes note of several of the mysteries of the Bible in his study Bible.  Many of these mysteries in the Bible  are revealed. Here are just a few of those mysteries.

  • Israel's unbelief. Rom. 11:25
  • Lawlessness. II Thess. 2:7
  • The Church. Eph. 3:3-6
  • The Rapture. I Cor. 15:51
     These mysteries hidden in the Old Testament. When you and I look into the New Testament though these mysteries are revealed.

     To us who are Saints of God, not by physical birth, but by spiritual birth, God wants us to see the glory of the following mystery. Here in Colossians One he shouts out to the Church of God. He wants believing Jew and Gentile to know that this mystery is like having the riches of glory poured out at our feet. What is this Mystery?

     "Christ in you, the hope of glory." Out of all the incredible things in the Bible this is the one that charms me the most. Old Testament saints only had the Spirit of God fall upon them and then leave. We who make up the church of God now have, the Spirit of God living within us.

     It is beyond my realm of thinking to realize that God sent His son to die and rise again for me. Nothing compares to His love and mercy that He showed upon the cross. Yet, God was not finished. No, brothers and sisters, now He pours out the riches of His glory by allowing Christ to dwell within me. He who would not be contained even by the tabernacle, temple, the earth or even the very heavens. He has chosen to reside within us. The one who is UN-containable, makes Himself containable within me.

     This is truly one of the greatest mystery reveals of all time. Christ the very hope of glory has made us His home.

"I want to be left alone."

Preach on Alex!

Preach the Word Josh!

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