Thursday, September 30, 2010

Romans 8:26

What a great quiet time I had in the Word today. I just wanted to share with others about one of my favorite verses in all of the Bible. Romans 8:26 says the following from the ESV. 

Romans 8:26 ( ESV )

26Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. 

 Each and every word in this verse still speaks tons towards me. The Spirit of God who resides in me wants to help me in my weakness. Both in mind, spirit and physical. The BKC says that the word for help here is the word that is used for one who carries a burden for someone. Jesus said that He would be my burden carrier. Psalms 55:22, Matthew 11:29-30 and 1 Peter 5:7 I am such a weak man in so many areas of my Christian walk and yet, He is there to carry my burden.

Lord I truly am ignorant the majority of the time on what is best for me and others in my prayer life. I confess my arragoncy at times when I think I know exactly what you would have me to do and so often am wrong. God, I pray, allow your Spirit to guide me in my prayer life for often I do not know what is best for myself, others and the situations of life.

You intercede for me. My go between. You act as my Attorney and are speaking for me when I don't even know what is best for me. I am guilty and yet, you are willing to stand for me. What unmerited love is this. The Son of God lives to make intercession for me. Hebrews 7:25

Groaning for me. Like one who is in straits. The Spirit of God is in such deep intercesion for me it is like one who is groaining and moaning in pain for me. It is so hard to believe just how much you want what is best for me as an individual. I am not alone in my sufferings, trials and day to day struggles you are right there alongside of me through it all.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Various readings, endings and interesting things.

Well, today has already been a day of phone calls, prayer and tons of little things that I need to get done before our youth meeting  tonight. On the nightly reading schedule I have been doing a lot of catching up on my Ted Dekker stuff. So far in the last 2 1/2 weeks I have read Burn and Immanuel's Veins and about a third of the way through on the book Kiss. I don't always agree, but I love how Dekker writes and keeps me entranced by his story lines. Very few Christian writers esp. those of the fiction kind write as well. (I  also finished up the book 101 uses for a dead cat and finishing up on a book dealing with the Will of God.)

I'm getting close to finishing up our series on the Life of Peter as we are dealing with the resurrection accounts. I love Peter and his fire for the  honor of the Lord. When I look at him I am reminded of how the Lord wants to use us even though many times we are own worst enemy. After we finish that series up we will once again get back into the book of Matthew.

It's hard to believe just how beautiful the weather here is right now. This is the time of year that I love about Louisiana the most. The beauty of a nice warm day, (note warm not hot) and the coolness of the night.

One of the interesting things I have noted in many of the churches that we have looked into in our search for a new ministry is under their qualifications just how few put in their qualifications he needs to be a man of prayer. As noted earlier I struggle with being constant in prayer so I humble myself when I say these words. I also though believe that this is where we are sadly lacking. We as pastors can have all the education, (which is needed) all the study tools, and all the speaking ability in the world but without prayer we will never have the power of God resting upon our shoulders and within our lives.

One last thing, I looked at one of my old teen's facebook sites and he quoted this great quote from C.H. Spurgeon that I have always loved. "Oh my brothers and sisters in Christ, if sinners will be damned, at least let them leap to hell over our bodies and if they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees, imploring them to stay, and no madly destroying themselves. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unprayed for."

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Finish it well

So my Hogs looked great in their first half of the Alabama game. It wound up a greater game then what I thought it would be for sure. Second half,well lets say it did not quite turn out the way that I wanted it to as the Hogs only scored 3 points and Alabama on the other hand scored 2 more touchdowns and won by 24-20. What a bummer. My hope was for the upset.
I love football more then any other sport in the world, the grinding, the hitting, the push for that one single yard that will make all the difference in the world. It reminds me of what Jesus would tell His followers of carrying a cross, finishing the course and not being distracted by the things of this world. Most importantly of all though I am reminded of Paul's words in II Timothy 4:6-7 "For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight,I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." Lord, help me not to be satisfied with how I started the race or how I fought for you in the past. Help me to finish it well not for my glory but for your glory to be shown.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Can you imagine a love deeper than the ocean?
Can you fathom a forgiveness that never ends?
Can you even dream about a land that will never know any sorrow?
That’s just the beginning of your time with His Majesty.

And it will be crystal clear when we shall see Him,
And all our questions will be answered when His face we see,
For then we shall walk with Him in all of His glory,
Crying out for all eternity to His Majesty.
Crying out for all eternity to His Majesty.

Can you imagine a land that does not look on a man's color?
Can you fathom someone who loves you more than the best of Fathers?
Can you even dream of this one who gave of His blood for you?
And to know you'll be with Him in the presence of His Majesty.

And it will be crystal clear when we shall see Him,
And all our questions will be answered when His face we see,
For then we shall walk with Him in all of His glory,
Crying out for all eternity to His Majesty.
Crying out for all eternity to His Majesty.

Can you imagine the voices as they gather round His throne?
Can you fathom the idea of no more sin from our mortal bodies?
Can you even dream of what it will be like to look into His eyes?
And to know that we will forever live before His Majesty.

And it will be crystal clear when we shall see Him,
And all our questions will be answered when His face we see,
For then we shall walk with Him in all of His glory,
Crying out for all eternity to His Majesty.
Crying out for all eternity to His Majesty.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Constant in prayer

I Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.
These are the three words that seem to have haunt me over the last few years. I am convinced that these words are not just the greatest need of the church today.  These 3 words are the greatest need in my own walk. I can read about them, talk about them, even preach about them but making these 3 words a reality in my life that's an entirely different thing.

Why is it that I and others struggle so? Prayer is simply having a conversation with my Father. I can relate to that thought as there is nothing more that I enjoy then to hear my girls talk to me. Our Father in Heaven wants to hear our voices as we cry out to Him. He wants to know it all, our love for Him, our failures and sins, our desires and our deepest longings.

I am trying to keep my heart and mind set in a constant conversation with Him. As I am walking, talking with others, reading or anything else I am trying to involve Him in the midst of all these things. What an awesome thing to know that this Holy God who created me wants to hear my voice and for me to be willing to listen to Him.

So we begin

I am starting to write Salt and Light to encourage other believers in their walk with the Lord as well as to encourage those who do not know Christ to come into a relationship with Him. I have been on this journey since 1979 and would have it no other way.
I hope to just let you know where I am in the journey in the days ahead, through my thoughts, failures, dreams and even poetry. (Yeah, it will probably get a little weird at times.)
By the way I will also give tons of shout outs to my favorite team in all of the world. The Chicago Bears.  Long time since I have heard those words 2-0. (The sad part though is my oldest loves Green Bay. Where did I fail?)

This picture was taken right after my oldest Hannah graduated. Yes, she is the shortest one of the group. (Wait a second, I think we are all pretty short come to think of it.) Left to right: Mike, Hadassah the youngest in 10th grade, Julie the Babe and Hannah.) What a great day this one was for all of us.