Thursday, September 30, 2010

Romans 8:26

What a great quiet time I had in the Word today. I just wanted to share with others about one of my favorite verses in all of the Bible. Romans 8:26 says the following from the ESV. 

Romans 8:26 ( ESV )

26Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. 

 Each and every word in this verse still speaks tons towards me. The Spirit of God who resides in me wants to help me in my weakness. Both in mind, spirit and physical. The BKC says that the word for help here is the word that is used for one who carries a burden for someone. Jesus said that He would be my burden carrier. Psalms 55:22, Matthew 11:29-30 and 1 Peter 5:7 I am such a weak man in so many areas of my Christian walk and yet, He is there to carry my burden.

Lord I truly am ignorant the majority of the time on what is best for me and others in my prayer life. I confess my arragoncy at times when I think I know exactly what you would have me to do and so often am wrong. God, I pray, allow your Spirit to guide me in my prayer life for often I do not know what is best for myself, others and the situations of life.

You intercede for me. My go between. You act as my Attorney and are speaking for me when I don't even know what is best for me. I am guilty and yet, you are willing to stand for me. What unmerited love is this. The Son of God lives to make intercession for me. Hebrews 7:25

Groaning for me. Like one who is in straits. The Spirit of God is in such deep intercesion for me it is like one who is groaining and moaning in pain for me. It is so hard to believe just how much you want what is best for me as an individual. I am not alone in my sufferings, trials and day to day struggles you are right there alongside of me through it all.

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