Thursday, September 23, 2010

Constant in prayer

I Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.
These are the three words that seem to have haunt me over the last few years. I am convinced that these words are not just the greatest need of the church today.  These 3 words are the greatest need in my own walk. I can read about them, talk about them, even preach about them but making these 3 words a reality in my life that's an entirely different thing.

Why is it that I and others struggle so? Prayer is simply having a conversation with my Father. I can relate to that thought as there is nothing more that I enjoy then to hear my girls talk to me. Our Father in Heaven wants to hear our voices as we cry out to Him. He wants to know it all, our love for Him, our failures and sins, our desires and our deepest longings.

I am trying to keep my heart and mind set in a constant conversation with Him. As I am walking, talking with others, reading or anything else I am trying to involve Him in the midst of all these things. What an awesome thing to know that this Holy God who created me wants to hear my voice and for me to be willing to listen to Him.

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