Friday, December 24, 2010


Out in the darkness there these men stood,
Just simple men who had work to do,
Little did they know they would be the first ones,
To tell the world the King of Kings has come.

Run, Run, Shepherd Run
From out of the darkness into the sun,
Go, tell the world, that He has come,
Run, Run, Shepherd Run.

Out of nowhere light exploded in the sky,
Filled with fear as His glory came down,
The angel spoke and said, "Fear not."
"Good news I bring about a baby boy."

Run, Run , Shepherd Run
From out of the darkness into the sun,
Go, tell the world that He has come,
Run, Run Shepherd Run.

In Bethlehem  a Savior had been born,
This was the one who is Christ the Lord,
Wrapped in cloths lying in a manger,
The angels with great joy sang to them,

Run, Run, Shepherd Run
From out of the darkness into the sun,
Go, tell the world that He has come,
Run, Run Shepherd Run.

To Bethlehem these men ran,
 Looking into the very face of God,
There was only one thing for them to do,
They had to go tell the world that He had come.

Run, Run, Shepherd Run
From out of the darkness into the SON,
Go, tell the world that He has come,
Run, Run Shepherd Run

The beauty of the sunset at Twin Peaks.
Merry Christmas to all!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hold my hand

 Trust. Father it seems like I struggle so much with that issue. I so often forget what you have done for us in the past and cringe at my disbelief. When I respond in this way, I act like I don't even know you. I see a disfigured God of my own making. You, on the other hand, want me to take your hand, like a Father to His child. Yet, I will turn and walk away.

 Meanwhile, you tell me that you are my Father, a good shepherd, a friend, my comforter, my rock, my refuge, my promise, my hope, my way, my truth, my life, my creator, my guide, my light, my joy, the lover of my soul, the Holy One, my deliverer.

 How often I forget that you are faithful and that you only want what is good for my family and for my walk. I get selfish in this relationship of you and me. I only see me and the trials that I am going through. How often I need to be reminded that it is not about me but about you.

 Like a child help me to see that I have no control and that I need to take your hand and to trust you as my Father. Help me to not forget that it was you that took my feet from the miry clay and set my feet upon the rock.

 I so often see the storms and their power forgetting that nothing takes place or is allowed without you seeing it all. I maybe in the boat with the flooding waters and the noises that surround me. You, though are still in control of it all with just three simple words at your disposal. Peace be still.

 I am reminded of the old song. " I can't even walk without you holding my hand. The mountains to high and the valley's too wide. Down on my knees, I've learned to stand. But I can't even walk without you holding my hand."

 I take your hand, unworthy as I am and cry out to you. I believe, help my unbelief. Lord I do want to trust you more. Help me to see all of who you are, and in the midst of it all, to see you more, as I hold your hand.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Shout outs, praises and prayers

Hard to believe that we are now 8 days from Christmas and just a little over 2 weeks from 2011. So as I am pondering on the events of this year and looking forward to the one just around the corner. Here are some shout outs to some things that I really enjoyed this year.

  1. The new ESV MacArthur Study Bible. What can I say? I love the ESV version because of the translation work and its readability. What a blast to have MacArthur's notes and his fine scholarship with keeping the verses in context. (Then to top it all off you have the layout, the fonts and even the beyond cool blue chapter numbers. Hey, the little things are important!) Seriously though, this study Bible will help any serious student of the Word to get more out of his Bible.
  2. A great book for preteens, teens and even old dogs like me is The Action Bible. No it is not a new translation but rather a walk through some of the greatest Bible stories in both the Old and New Testament. It was written and illustrated by a Word of Life graduate named Sergio Cariello. Sergio apparently had worked for Marvel and D.C. Comics and it shows in this beautifully illustrated book. If you have a child who loves comics and you want them to get into the Word. Buy this book up and start reading to them.
  3. I think my favorite CD this year was put out by above all people, Aaron Neville. The CD is called," I Know I've Been Changed." As far as I know this is Aaron's third "Christian" CD and by far  his very best. The album has some great Christian spirituals and Hymns on it.  This is how Gospel music should be sung. From a Christian pop perspective Addison Road's, "Stories," is a true delight with its hooks and harmony. For the old schoolers this year, it was hard to beat, Third Day's, "Move" as they went back to their southern roots. Still yet, I am also going to shout out from last year the CD, "God and a Girl," by Joy Whitlock. Her lyrics are scorching in dealing with our walks and her voice is one of the true finds of the last decade in Christian music. I have brought her up once before, but trust me, she is just that original and just that great. What a voice!
  4. Last year my wife for Christmas, bought me 2 great Bible study helps. For someone who wants to know Biblical background of a passage pick up Zondervan Bible Background Commentary by Arnold. Easy reading and great in dealing with history and customs. Of course, it was also great, to get one of my favorite guys of all time, Warren Wiersbe's complete Exposition Commentary. The thing that I will love about Warren more then anything is how he can explain to anyone the deep spiritual truths of scripture.

There were lots of things to praise the Lord about this year.

  • My daughter Hannah and her graduation and seeing her finishing up her first semester at our local community college. She has been a good testimony at her school as well as at work.
  • Hadassah, who is halfway through her sophomore year. I am beginning to see her concern for the lost as well as a heart for her saved friends to walk with the Lord.
  • Julie, the rock. For those of you who know me and her you understand that statement. I am still amazed after all of these years that she would even put up with me. (Even when we fuss, she still loves me.) She has been for all of us, the one who  keeps us going when we do not want to carry on.
  • Some of our closest friends who we know are still praying for us after all of these years. We can never repay your kindness.
  • Our church family here at Reeves who still minister to us in so many gracious ways.
  • For our mothers who are still faithful to the Lord after all these years and for God allowing my mother-in-law the joy of a new husband.
In this upcoming year we need your prayers in so many ways.

  1. Pray for us, that God might lead us to the church, that we will best fit in as a pastor and family. We are still looking and praying for his guidance in this area. Pray for our willingness to heed to His voice and direction.
  2. Pray for us, as we continue to serve here in Reeves. Our church has been so kind to us, in allowing us to continue, to minister in this wonderful work. We want not only to be faithful but fruitful in this vineyard.
  3. Pray for Hannah as she is now considering going to Frontier School of the Bible during the fall semester.
  4. Two things that I have been impressed upon by the Lord is the need for Revival not only in our ministry but even in our own lives. I want to see revival in the lives of others around me but first of all I need and want it in my own life.  Secondly, the Lord continues to burden me to learn and grow in the area of prayer.
I know this was a different kind of blog then normal but I wanted to be able to share with you some of the joys and burdens of our heart. If you would please leave a comment every once in awhile as we would love to hear from any of you. We appreciate your prayers for us. May the Lord continue to draw us near to Him and may we look forward to His great appearing.

Julie and I died during these pictures. Everytime the photographer told us to look into each other's eyes we cracked up!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

This little Light of Mine

Childhood songs seem to stick with us for a lifetime. We don’t forget simple songs that helped us understand basic truths about God and life. I am still reminded of Miss Peggy or Miss Elsie teaching us Bible songs at my grade school and in my Sunday School classrooms at Gravette Bible. The one that still stands out to me after all these years will always be This Little Light of Mine. As simple as that song stands out to me I am still reminded of the challenge to my Christian walk that it is to me daily.

There are those days when I don’t feel like letting it shine or I might even try to hide it but like Jeremiah it burns within me and I have to shine it forth. How I truly love him and despite the mess that I make of me at times, I have to shout out His name.

When I think of the word light  I am also reminded of the Light of the World who we represent. One of my favorite passages in the book of Isaiah is found in Is. 8:19-9:7 Israel had fallen upon hard times due to their sin. The nation that had once seen the Shekinah glory now walked in darkness. Israel now inquired of mediums and necromancers who chirped and muttered talking to the dead for guidance. They no longer looked to the teachings of God and no longer had the dawn of light upon them. Looking for help from the earth they were now thrust into thick darkness.

I don’t know about you but a light in the darkness is sometimes the thing that I need the most. I get lost or I stumble along the way to my destination. I need some guidance and I need some help. I cry out in the darkness unsure, lost and sometimes a feeling of hopelessness creeps into my heart. I fear the gloom that covers me.

I love Is. 9:2 which tells me that, “the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness on them has light shined.” Like the land of Israel I have come out of the darkness into the light that shines. No longer blind, we as believers now walk in the glorious light of Christ.
The light has come into the world to offer us hope. How? Is. 9:6 says it best, “ For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Jesus has come brothers and sisters, this one who is called the Light of the World. John 3:19, John 8:12 and John 12:36 He is the light of the world that shines through the darkness. This child in Isaiah was not just some simple child but he is also the Mighty God and Prince of Peace.

As a followers of the Lamb and the Light of the world he now calls me to shine forth to this  world his life to all. We are to walk as children of light. Eph. 5:8  We are to be, “blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.” Phil. 2:15

So during this blessed season, may we show forth to this world that is covered in darkness, the light of Christ in our life. We are the ones who are called to bring them hope. Just keep in your mind the following words…

“This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine.”

Friday, December 10, 2010


We live in a world that is all about being busy. We run from one job or activity to another and are constantly on the go. The old saying is true we run around like a chicken with its head cut off. (Which for a young boy was in its own way a funny thing to watch.) We find little time to as Vance Havner wrote, " learning the art of walking slow." We are often way to busy for our own good.

We as a people should be reflective throughout the course of the day on our relationship to the Lord. I do not want to be so busy that I do not take time out of my day to draw close to the Lord.

In saying the above I feel somewhat dumbfounded when it comes to believers who do not open up the Word of God to read it. I will see Bibles left at our church or at home that are not opened up once during the week. It breaks my heart that the Bible has become more of a symbol then anything else to its people rather then the living and breathing Word of God. It has become a trinket that we own and pull out only at certain times when others are watching.

I don't know how often I have heard the following excuses, "I'm just so tired I'll read it later," or  the worst, "I'm just so busy." Paul has some harsh words for people that are lazy in II Thess. 3:6-15 and are not busy with the work that God has given them to do under the sun. We are to be known as a people with a great work ethic. Yet, for all of this type of talk and preaching I believe that when it comes to the reading of the Word of God there are many people who are great with their work ethic but lazy in their reading habits of the Word.

I, like other pastors truly do have an incredible job when you think about it. I get paid by a group of people to read and study the Word of God. Did you hear me? Paid for reading and studying the Word of God. Yet, here is the real truth of the matter I would still read it daily paid or not. Why do I read it? Just like many of you because I want to know Him. I want to know this God who loves this world that is gone mad.

It's important that we as a people are reading books that deal with the Word of God and who He is. We should be known for reading devotionals, commentaries and dare I say it in a world that now days  makes so little of it, THEOLOGY. (It amazes me how people make so little of theology today and yet they themselves make up their own teachings, traditions, and by doing so they make their own theologies with no biblical basis.) I wonder what the church Fathers would say about all of this.

OK, OK, I know baby steps. Well now let me even say something wilder. I believe that we as a people should read outside of the Biblical realm as well.  Hang in there for a moment with me. When I read Paul in Acts 17 as he stands in front of the men of Athens he will quote the Cretan poet Epimenides in verse 28. He will also quote him in Titus 1:12-13 and in verse 13 will say that his statement is true. In the book, Think Biblically, one of the chapters written by Grant Horner correctly brings up how that Augustine, Calvin and Luther read secular philosophies and writings of their times.

Like many we should be cautious when we enter into the realm of non-biblical thinkers. When I read these guys I want to do so through Biblical lenses. While I read I must according to I John 4:1 do the following. "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world." (ESV)  I read with the command of I Thessalonians 5: 21, " But test everything ; hold fast what is good." (ESV) Read with the acid test of Philippians 4:8 in our mindset.

I read for tons of reasons but here are just a few.

  • Read, because we should be known as a people who are constantly learning.
  • Read History as we see the frailty and courage of those who have gone before us. We can learn lessons from them and how they thought. ( One of the great history books that was written in recent years is Doris Kearns Goodwin's book Team of Rivals. Trust me if you work with people who do not agree with you look at Lincoln and how he dealt with his cabinet. This is a great book for pastors.)
  • Read Poetry, simply because of the beauty of it all.
  • Read Shakespeare, OK, I know that I have lost half of you on that one. Why? No other author other then God with His Word can tell us so much about the human condition. (Still can't read him because of the old English, get copies of his works in the No Fear Shakespeare editions. Simply written but true to the text.)
  • Read for the sake of just enjoyment.Yes, we do have a Father who truly does want us to take some time out of our busy schedule to just enjoy life.
  • Read so that we can understand the unsaved world better so that we can reach them effectively. (Once again with a word of caution read with Biblical lenses.)
One of my prayers for my girls and others is that they would have a passion to read. Read well, read often, reflect on what you read, think through what you read and may we all read with the greatest of passions the Word of God that alone can save a dying world.

Julie and I at the Colorado National Monument

Thursday, December 2, 2010


      In a world that it is saturated with a, "feel good gospel," and lets, "be careful or we might offend someone." I can understand why the Old Testament has almost been neglected by many today. Yet, if you really want to shake the place up even more, start reading from the Old Testament prophets. In hearing some people talk they have become like an unwanted step child who is hidden from the world. When one limits his reading by not reading  from these precious books we wind up with a distorted picture of who our God truly is. (Images of a coming Messiah, sin and its consequences, restoration and a true vision of the King of Kings are thrown to the side when we hear not the Old Testament prophets.)

     As I read more of His Word I have found myself drawn to the prophet Jeremiah. You know the one who always gets the bum wrap about being the WEEPING PROPHET. Yet when this man of God wept there was always a good reason. I give you the following 2 verses as an example.

Jeremiah 9:1 ( ESV )

1    £Oh that my head were waters,    and my eyes a fountain of tears,    that I might weep day and night    for the slain of the daughter of my people!

Jeremiah 13:17 ( ESV )

17    But if you will not listen,    my soul will weep in secret for your pride;    my eyes will weep bitterly and run down with tears,    because the Lord’s flock has been taken captive.

     Jeremiah had a lot to weep about as he saw the consequences that were coming and that would take place because of Israel's sin. In 8:22 just before 9:1 he shouts out, "Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there?" He wept over a people who would no longer listen to the Lord because of their pride. You know at one time in my prayer life I wept often over the lost, my own sin as well as my brothers and sisters who were straying far from the fold. I remember a day that whenever I heard the old Gospel hymn, "For you I am praying," I would kneel and pray for my brother that he would come to know Jesus. ( I thank the Lord daily that he did come to know Him.) My first lesson from Jeremiah is, Lord teach me to weep once again over the things that are important to you.

     I challenge both my readers as well as myself though to also apply so many other of this man of God's characteristics to our life. Think about the following things as you read about Jeremiah. 

  1.  Jer. 1:5 Even while I was in my mother's womb God knew me and has set us apart for a purpose.
  2.  Jer. 1:6-9 No matter how young we are God wants us to go forth and to not be afraid for He will give us words to speak.
  3. Jer. 1:10-18 We are asked to give a message of truth to the world above all else. This message contains within it the truths about the consequences and judgment of sin. When a person truly sees their sin then and only then can they see their need of a savior who wants to deliver them.
  4. Jer. 1:19 We need to toughen up like Jeremiah as he is told that the message he gives out will cause even his own to fight against him. Yet, he is also told the enemy will not prevail for the Lord would be with him.
  5. Jer. 16:1-2 These verses stand out to me because God will command Jeremiah to never marry. Think about that for a minute his life is hard enough already. He will have to go through this life by himself alone. (I can't imagine my life without Julie.) There will be times brothers and sisters where we like Jeremiah will have to go it all alone when we stand for Him. (Remember during those times, He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone.)
  6. Constantly through the book we see how that the greatest of Jeremiah's persecutions were not from Israel's enemies but rather from Jeremiah's very own people. He would be humiliated and even thrown into a miry pit.
  7. Like us He would cry out to the Lord for understanding when things did not make sense at all as in Jer. 32:16-24. (esp. v. 25) Its during those times of me not understanding what God is doing that I am reminded of the Lord's words in Jeremiah 32:27, "Behold, I am the Lord the God of all flesh, Is anything to hard for me?"
  8. Jer. 36 Reminds me that there will always be though who will wish to destroy the Lord's Word.  (Look at Jer. 36:22-26 on how evil king Jehoiakim was in the destruction of the Word of God.) Yet, I am reminded that God's Word will prevail.
  9. In the darkest of hours God will one day rescue us from the cistern's of this life. Jer. 38:7-13.
     There are so many other lessons from this man of God's life. May God allow us to be as faithful as this servant of God. My prayer is that you and I will learn more about the prophets as we read through these incredible books.

Looks like the gang had turned against me.
