Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hold my hand

 Trust. Father it seems like I struggle so much with that issue. I so often forget what you have done for us in the past and cringe at my disbelief. When I respond in this way, I act like I don't even know you. I see a disfigured God of my own making. You, on the other hand, want me to take your hand, like a Father to His child. Yet, I will turn and walk away.

 Meanwhile, you tell me that you are my Father, a good shepherd, a friend, my comforter, my rock, my refuge, my promise, my hope, my way, my truth, my life, my creator, my guide, my light, my joy, the lover of my soul, the Holy One, my deliverer.

 How often I forget that you are faithful and that you only want what is good for my family and for my walk. I get selfish in this relationship of you and me. I only see me and the trials that I am going through. How often I need to be reminded that it is not about me but about you.

 Like a child help me to see that I have no control and that I need to take your hand and to trust you as my Father. Help me to not forget that it was you that took my feet from the miry clay and set my feet upon the rock.

 I so often see the storms and their power forgetting that nothing takes place or is allowed without you seeing it all. I maybe in the boat with the flooding waters and the noises that surround me. You, though are still in control of it all with just three simple words at your disposal. Peace be still.

 I am reminded of the old song. " I can't even walk without you holding my hand. The mountains to high and the valley's too wide. Down on my knees, I've learned to stand. But I can't even walk without you holding my hand."

 I take your hand, unworthy as I am and cry out to you. I believe, help my unbelief. Lord I do want to trust you more. Help me to see all of who you are, and in the midst of it all, to see you more, as I hold your hand.

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