Friday, December 17, 2010

Shout outs, praises and prayers

Hard to believe that we are now 8 days from Christmas and just a little over 2 weeks from 2011. So as I am pondering on the events of this year and looking forward to the one just around the corner. Here are some shout outs to some things that I really enjoyed this year.

  1. The new ESV MacArthur Study Bible. What can I say? I love the ESV version because of the translation work and its readability. What a blast to have MacArthur's notes and his fine scholarship with keeping the verses in context. (Then to top it all off you have the layout, the fonts and even the beyond cool blue chapter numbers. Hey, the little things are important!) Seriously though, this study Bible will help any serious student of the Word to get more out of his Bible.
  2. A great book for preteens, teens and even old dogs like me is The Action Bible. No it is not a new translation but rather a walk through some of the greatest Bible stories in both the Old and New Testament. It was written and illustrated by a Word of Life graduate named Sergio Cariello. Sergio apparently had worked for Marvel and D.C. Comics and it shows in this beautifully illustrated book. If you have a child who loves comics and you want them to get into the Word. Buy this book up and start reading to them.
  3. I think my favorite CD this year was put out by above all people, Aaron Neville. The CD is called," I Know I've Been Changed." As far as I know this is Aaron's third "Christian" CD and by far  his very best. The album has some great Christian spirituals and Hymns on it.  This is how Gospel music should be sung. From a Christian pop perspective Addison Road's, "Stories," is a true delight with its hooks and harmony. For the old schoolers this year, it was hard to beat, Third Day's, "Move" as they went back to their southern roots. Still yet, I am also going to shout out from last year the CD, "God and a Girl," by Joy Whitlock. Her lyrics are scorching in dealing with our walks and her voice is one of the true finds of the last decade in Christian music. I have brought her up once before, but trust me, she is just that original and just that great. What a voice!
  4. Last year my wife for Christmas, bought me 2 great Bible study helps. For someone who wants to know Biblical background of a passage pick up Zondervan Bible Background Commentary by Arnold. Easy reading and great in dealing with history and customs. Of course, it was also great, to get one of my favorite guys of all time, Warren Wiersbe's complete Exposition Commentary. The thing that I will love about Warren more then anything is how he can explain to anyone the deep spiritual truths of scripture.

There were lots of things to praise the Lord about this year.

  • My daughter Hannah and her graduation and seeing her finishing up her first semester at our local community college. She has been a good testimony at her school as well as at work.
  • Hadassah, who is halfway through her sophomore year. I am beginning to see her concern for the lost as well as a heart for her saved friends to walk with the Lord.
  • Julie, the rock. For those of you who know me and her you understand that statement. I am still amazed after all of these years that she would even put up with me. (Even when we fuss, she still loves me.) She has been for all of us, the one who  keeps us going when we do not want to carry on.
  • Some of our closest friends who we know are still praying for us after all of these years. We can never repay your kindness.
  • Our church family here at Reeves who still minister to us in so many gracious ways.
  • For our mothers who are still faithful to the Lord after all these years and for God allowing my mother-in-law the joy of a new husband.
In this upcoming year we need your prayers in so many ways.

  1. Pray for us, that God might lead us to the church, that we will best fit in as a pastor and family. We are still looking and praying for his guidance in this area. Pray for our willingness to heed to His voice and direction.
  2. Pray for us, as we continue to serve here in Reeves. Our church has been so kind to us, in allowing us to continue, to minister in this wonderful work. We want not only to be faithful but fruitful in this vineyard.
  3. Pray for Hannah as she is now considering going to Frontier School of the Bible during the fall semester.
  4. Two things that I have been impressed upon by the Lord is the need for Revival not only in our ministry but even in our own lives. I want to see revival in the lives of others around me but first of all I need and want it in my own life.  Secondly, the Lord continues to burden me to learn and grow in the area of prayer.
I know this was a different kind of blog then normal but I wanted to be able to share with you some of the joys and burdens of our heart. If you would please leave a comment every once in awhile as we would love to hear from any of you. We appreciate your prayers for us. May the Lord continue to draw us near to Him and may we look forward to His great appearing.

Julie and I died during these pictures. Everytime the photographer told us to look into each other's eyes we cracked up!!

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