Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Two things about Revelation.

I can’t think of anything that brings me greater joy than to realize that one day my faith will be sight. I was reminded of that today because of the passing of one of His saints and the impact this brother had on the lives of countless people. He loved the Lord and his greatest joy was to live for Him and to make Him known.  The subject of Heaven and the Lord’s return should cause us as believers to jump with delight.
When my heart is drawn to think about His coming, I am drawn to the prophetic teachings of the book of Revelation. Each verse and page causes my heart to yearn for our true Home. I am also reminded of how we as believers have to be so careful not to come at this book with our own ideas rather than what it simply teaches.

One of my favorite teachers left me with two truths that I have never forgotten when looking into the truths of this book. These are the two primary things that I believe that we must remind ourselves of constantly when we are trying to interpret Revelation.

1        Don’t make the book of Revelation fit into OUR time period.

I remember a person looking directly into my eyes three years ago and with complete sincerity tell me that President Obama would be the Anti-Christ. (By the way this is not a political statement to me; I also remember articles written about how Henry Kissinger was the Anti-Christ. For those of you who are younger, you are asking, “Henry Who?” This by the way is the point that I am trying to make.) Hitler, Mussolini, and a countless cast of thousands have been declared to be not just an Anti-Christ but THE Anti-Christ.

When the time comes according to the book of Thessalonians he will be revealed to those who are here during the Tribulation. We as believers have to be beyond cautious when we try to make current events or people fit into the book of Revelation.  A popular book once called the locust of the book of Revelation possibly helicopters.

When people try to tell us of when He will return based on how things are going on during this day and age we need to take heed to Jesus warning when He said no man knows what time or hour that the Son of Man will appear. Beware of those who teach a certain day of His return based on how the stars line up or because of certain feast. Don’t read into the text.

Of course my greatest joy is to know that He could come at any moment. Maybe even before I finish this article but then again it could be years down the road. I do not know His timing on this but I do know this I long and wait for His coming with great expectation.  I also know that He made a promise that He would return and I will look daily for Him to come.

2            Don’t make the book of Revelation about America.

As much as I love this country I must be careful not to make the Bible center around it. The main country in prophecy as well as throughout the whole of scriptures is that of Israel. I have heard too many people try to state how certain passages seem to refer to America in scripture. While it may sound unpatriotic I must be faithful to the scriptures and say that prophecy does not revolve around us as a nation.

I do believe that God has used and will continue to use our country in many ways. We have historically been a blessing to the world in the areas of missions, giving and spreading forth the Word. In saying this we must be careful to not look at our nation as being a power during the time of the Tribulation, it could be but one will not find it in the scriptures.

I am proud to be a citizen of the United States but I am even more thrilled to know that I am a citizen of Heaven.  I am waiting for the sound of a trumpet and walking with Him at home. May we live in light of His coming again.

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