Saturday, March 31, 2012

Psalms 32 Part One

Psalms 32:1-2 ( ESV )

1 Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.

2 Blessed is the man against whom the Lord counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.

     This is one of those Psalms that we don’t hear talked about very much. I think the reason why this Psalm is not talked about very much is when we think of David’s confession of sin we largely go to Psalms 52. This Psalm like that one shows us the value and necessity of a cleansed heart before God.

     I don’t know about you but nothing makes my heart more miserable than un-confessed sin. When Julie or the girls and I argue or when I allow sin in my walk I am devastated. I want to be clean with them and have our relationship clear with one another.

     I wonder at times how that when David sinned with Bathsheba before Nathan confronted him how miserable he must have been. Listen, there is nothing greater than when we get things right with one another or with our God.  Look at the first word that David starts verses one and two with in Psalms 32. BLESSED. When we confess our sins and get right with our loved ones or creator it gives us a sense of Happiness or Joy in our lives.

     There is nothing worse for our well-being than when we try to cover up our sin. As much as it breaks the heart of our loved ones how much more with the heart of God who is sinless? The Holy One who we are made in the image of cries over a Jerusalem who refused to love and follow Him. Why do we try to hide our evil from others and play the part of the hypocrite? God is omnipresent and yet, by trying to cover up our sin or not calling it sin we act as if He is blind. He wants us to be clean with Him and He promises us Joy and Happiness when we get right.

Psalms 32:3-4 ( ESV )

3 For when I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long.

4 For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was dried up£ as by the heat of summer.Selah

     What happens when we have un-confessed sin? Simply put it will not only harm us spiritually but physically. When you and I try to keep it all hidden and silent before Him and those we have offended David says,” It will waste us away.” Think how we are plagued by fears, depression, guilt over past behavior and a host of other things that will  lay hold of us with its dark, skeletal hands.

     I love blues music and more than anything when a blues singer MOANS the blues. David here is groaning because of His sin and how it has lay hold of his heart. It pains him. Why is he moaning and groaning? The Lord is convicting him of his wrong and His hand is heavy upon him. He feels as though his strength is gone. Why? The pleasures of sin are but for a season and now instead of pleasure it dries us up. The whore cries out, “Come and taste of my waters for they are sweet.” Yet sin like the whore will only give us water that is bitter and we long for a drop of water.

Psalms 32:5 ( ESV )

5 I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not cover my iniquity; I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,” and you forgave the iniquity of my sin.Selah

     One of the basic truths about our Father is that He is all knowing. Yet, He wants us to come before Him and make our sins known to Him. There have been times when I knew that my, “little angels,” had blown it. A few times even with this knowledge I did not bring it up to them but wanted to allow them the opportunity to get right with us. (Majority of the time I did not wait!) I wanted to see their heart and what they would do, more importantly though I wanted them to learn to do what is right. We wanted to share our forgiveness with them and have our relationship restored. What joy would be expressed when all things were made good. Having that which was broken made whole again. As a Father would you withhold forgiveness from your child? How much more grace is shown to us from a perfect love that our heavenly Father bestows on us?

     Well for now I want to close with these thoughts but on our next blog we will finish the rest of this incredible Psalm. I hear old friends getting ready to drive up in my driveway and look forward to seeing them again.

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