Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Grace poured out

Your body torn,
The wounds displayed,
The crowd that mocked you to your face,
The tears that streamed down your eyes,
The cries that shook the sky,
The forsaken one, My God why? My God why?
Grace was being poured out,
The greatest of all sacrifices was made,
The blood of the lamb was spilt,
Humbly we bow down, Glory to His name,

You bore the nails,
The thorn crowned brow,
The stripes torn through saved my soul from Hell,
The source of living waters thirsted now,
Darkness filled the sky,
The cross of shame alone would bring life,
Grace was being poured out,
The greatest of all sacrifices,
The blood of the lamb was spilt,
Humbly we bow down, Glory to His name.

Lovingly they took you down,
Tears are flowing freely now,
Holding in their hands the lifeless one,
Burying the precious holy lamb in the tomb,
He is risen now the angel’s song,
No longer just the lamb but King of Kings,
Grace has freely been poured out,
The greatest of all sacrifices was made,
The blood of the lamb was spilt,
Humbly we bow down, Glory to the King.

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