Saturday, February 25, 2012

How Long?

Psalms 13:1-4 ( ESV )

1 How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?

2 How long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day? How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?

3 Consider and answer me, O Lord my God; light up my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death,

4 lest my enemy say, “I have prevailed over him,” lest my foes rejoice because I am shaken.

     This week I took a break from the book of Colossians and wanted to do something else. Did the Lord ever give me a SOMETHING ELSE moment. All I could say was, WOW!! I thank Him every day for His Word and how precious it has become to me. This Psalm really spoke to my heart as I sought His face this week. David really spills out his heart as he prays to His God.

     Notice His quiet desperation as he asks the question that so many of us are fearful to ask. In just two words you can feel his heart cry out. HOW LONG? I know, what you are thinking, what would people think of me if I asked the Sovereign king of the universe this question. Yet, David asked it and the Lord was still pleased with His servant. This wonderful savior of ours wants us to above all to be real in our conversations with Him. We do not need to pretend to be happy around Him. What good does that do as He already KNOWS our hearts? He wants us to be real around Him. Don’t get me wrong we are not to treat Him as our Buddy or as the flavor of the week. He does not want us to be blasphemous in our approach to Him. Yet, He does want to hear what we truly are going through and about our struggles. This is what David does throughout this Psalm.

     Maybe some of the following struggles have happened to you in your life. Maybe you are even going through some of them now. I know that they have been some of mine in my journey.

·          The struggle of how much longer will this trial last? Consider Joseph in the land of Egypt. Though Joseph became only second to Pharaoh in power he was locked in a dungeon for years. Moses, as a prince who had people serving him daily. For forty years he would watch over sheep in a desolate land. Job sitting on a pottery pile in physical pain beyond belief while his “friends” counseled him and told him of his, “sins” before God.

Maybe you are going through a trial in your life in which you feel like it will never end. The same God who watched over these men is the Eternal one and He knows just how much time it will take and what we can handle through the power of His Spirit.

·          The struggle of Are you there? This I believe is one of the hardest of all. I am reminded of David’s cry in Psalms 22:1, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” Some might think what a terrible and ghastly thought. Yet, these very same words would be used by Jesus upon the cross. God forsaken of God, a concept that I will never be able to understand. Yet, it was at this moment that the Son of God took upon the filth of my sin and bore it upon a cross that He did not deserve.

Like David we might even feel this way at times. Yet, it is during those times when I am reminded of the words of John when we are told that He has sent His Spirit to live within us. Despite our feelings, we are comforted by these words that He promised never to leave us and that we are never alone. When the darkness covers us, He has promised that He will be with us through the storm and through the night.

·          The struggle of God are you Listening? How many times I have heard these words through the years. “We have prayed over and over again and it feels as though we are just talking to ourselves.” The real struggle here is simply, “Does God hear my prayers?” The answer will always be Yes a thousand times over. He does hear our prayers. Once again he may not answer as soon as I want Him to. He may also choose to answer us with a No.

As a child I always wanted my Father to give me what I wanted. Many were the times when He simply did not answer me at that moment. I would get discouraged and even whether I want to admit it or not I got angry with him. He had heard me but would not always answer right away, or even say no. Even though I did not understand, now as a man I truly believe that he wanted to do what was best for me. Our Father in Heaven is far greater than our earthly fathers so why would He act more differently? The big issue is that He as the perfect Father hears us and will always do what is best for me.

·          The struggle of our enemies. Yes, even as Christians who are commanded to love one another and to live for others. We will have enemies. It’s a part of life that is still hard for me to accept at times. I want everyone to just get along. The world though does not play that way and unfortunately neither do believers at times.

You maybe have been lied to or lied about. You may have even had a moment when a friend has acted like a Judas in your life. Out of the blue the pain comes and the hurt feels like a knife that has dug deep within your heart. Your sorrow seems to never end and you might even see your enemy prevail. Like David it feels as though the very light of your life is gone. There may even be joy in their faces as they see your defeat.

Listen, my beloved He is the author of life. While we struggle and hurt He is there cheering us on in the battle. He is there, binding our wounds. He is there telling us to get up and go and to fight on. He breathes into us life and light in the midst of the darkness and even as we struggle on.

     In the midst of the struggles of this life I love how David ends this Psalm. It has encouraged me and I hope that it will encourage you.

Psalms 13:5-6 ( ESV )

5 But I have trusted in your steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation.

6 I will sing to the Lord, because he has dealt bountifully with me.

     Here are the words that stood out to me so much this last week. I thank Him for these timeless truths in our lives. Truths that give me hope and joy in the struggle of life. I pray that they will do the same for you.

Ø  He is a God who shows His Steadfast Love-I can trust Him in that in everything that He does for me is because He LOVES me. His love is immovable. In the words of an old Cathedral Quartet Song, “His love is a boundless love and it reaches out and touches me.” His love is that of the faithful groom who will love His bride to the very end. I may doubt that love but His Word is true when it says that He loves me. During those struggles of life I need to TRUST in His undying love.

Ø  He is a God who HAS and WILL give me Salvation-He will walk with me through my struggles in life and will one day set me free. It may not even been today but He will set me free. He did this for me when He saved my soul and He will deliver me through my trials. He will pull me out of the fire or He will walk with me through the flames.

I still love the story of Daniel when his friends were thrown into the flames. Nebuchadnezzar was convinced it would be the end of them. Yet, when he looked in upon them he would say these words, “But I see four men unbound, walking in the midst of the fire and they are not hurt; and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods.” Listen, don’t miss it in the midst of the fire they were UNBOUND, they were FREE. If that is not enough, God was with them in the flames.

Ø  He is a God who has dealt bountifully with me. Don’t forget what He has done for you in the past. He has freed you from the bondage of sin. He has saved you. He has given to you life. Don’t forget what He is doing for us even now. He has given us health. He has given us food. He has provided many of us with friends and family who care. He has given us shelter. He is daily watching out for us. He has given us His blessed Holy Spirit. Don’t forget what He has in store. Life eternal. No sickness, no more pain, no more sorrow. A home with Him throughout all of eternity. Truly our God has dealt bountifully with me and I will rejoice!!

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