Saturday, January 28, 2012

All the glory

          And the winner is….These will be the words that we will be flooded with over the course of the next few weeks. We are surrounded as a people with the applause of men. Who will win the Super Bowl? (Please, Lord not the Patriots!!) And the Oscar goes to… (You have got to be kidding me. Hugo, has to win. The story is great. The direction is fantastic and it is beyond what 3D should be in a movie. It is artistry at its finest.)Well, anyway you get the picture. We are driven as a people in our desire to please men. There is nothing wrong with praise but the praise of men should never be our driving force.

Ephesians 6:5-7 ( ESV )

5Slaves,£ obey your earthly masters£ with fear and trembling, with a sincere heart, as you would Christ,

6not by the way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but as servants£ of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart,

7rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man,

     In all that we say and do as Colossians states, it should be done for the glory of the Lord. Here in Ephesians 6, Paul makes that kind of a statement again. All our service and whatever we do should be treated as our gifts to God.

     In the book, “A serious call to a devout and holy life,” Brother Lawrence wrote that even when he did the dishes he saw it as a gift to God. He wanted to give of his best for the Lord and for His glory.

     I was thinking about this even this last week. For those of you who know me, my life has always been about preaching in one form or another. I have no greater joy in this life than to share the Word with others. It has been my life’s blood and greatest desire and purpose.

     So this week has been about counting, doing inventory and trying to deal with the details of the work that I do. Sometimes, I get confused, overwhelmed and in all honesty asking myself what is the purpose. I do appreciate those who are over me and I do want to do a good job for them. They have been more than kind in working with me and my situation as we are in this holding pattern.

     Yet, the beauty of God is that He reminds me that the job that I do is to be used for His glory!! No matter what I do it can be used for Him. My counts need to be accurate so that I can make the work of others easier. My attitude at work needs to be consistent so that I can give others hope in the midst of a dark and often difficult world. All that I do, say and breathe is to bring Him glory.

     I want to do my job with respect for those who are over me and to do it with a SINCIRE HEART. Note how Paul uses the word heart twice in these verses. God wants my motives to be pure and clean as I serve others and Him. How I pray that He will keep me from whatever I do so that I can hear the applause. I want to render my service with a good will as a gift to Him.

     So while I am counting, let it be done for His glory!! So that while I am working with those around me, let it be done for His glory!! Guard my heart Lord in all that I say or do to bring honor and glory to you.

     I would just like to close my thoughts with these words from one of my favorite Cathedral Quartet songs. How I pray that these words will be the sincere prayer of my heart.

All the glory belongs to Jesus,
All the praise belongs to Him,
All that I am, or ever hope to be,
All the glory belongs to Him.

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