Monday, January 2, 2012

A Blank sheet of Paper

     I know that the following statement may sound strange to you but I love paper. I love going to Office Depot and buying the stuff. The blankness of the pages as I turn them has always fascinated me. (O.K., this really does sound weird now that I look back at what I just wrote.)

     The only greater joy is when I pick up my Waterman pen and begin to write on those blank pages.  Think about it, when we write we are putting ourselves on paper. Our thoughts, fears, dreams and present day realities are now made visible. We are able to express ourselves to the world that surrounds us, warts and all.

     When I read an author I am taken to another world. Worlds in which the author wants us to walk around and become a part of. We see the buildings, the trees and even see the bend of the river before us. We can hear the sounds of the birds in the air. We can smell the freshness of a Sunday morning on a crisp Nebraska morning. In just four minutes of listening to the lyrics of a song we feel the passion of a young man and woman named Jack and Dianne who know that life will go on.

     The blankness of a page being filled by an author’s words is a beautiful thing. The blankness of a page being filled by an author’s pen can also be a nightmare. One written word can cause wars and rumors of wars. Incredible as it may sound just one word can change the world as we know it.

     When I pick up my Bible I am reminded of words that have changed my whole being and countless others. Hebrews tells me that this Word that I hold in my hands is more powerful and sharper than any two edged sword. This Word that I hold in my hands can pierce into the inner most part of my soul cutting and changing me like nothing else can.

     The Word though is also a person who is the very Son of God. When the Word came onto this canvas called earth men were able to see His glory. Men were also able to see the very embodiment of grace and truth.

John 1:1 ( ESV )

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14 ( ESV )

14And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    When Eden was created it was like a blank page. It was filled with the beauty and freshness of hope. Adam and Eve walked with their creator in the cool of the morning.  When they allowed sin in their lives the canvas became darkened forever. Innocence lost, only grey could be seen upon the landscape. This was our lot in life.

     This is where the beauty comes in; the Word has come and brought light.  When He spoke lives were changed. Hearts that were once dead were now given new life. He was not satisfied with just staying in the heavens. No, the Word became flesh and of all the wildest things He would dwell among us.

     The Word took the hands of the cripples and made them whole. Just by His voice He was able to calm the raging seas, cast out the demon and give sight to the blind. The Word had the authority to do all of these things and even more. He spoke in parables, talked with leaders and held children in His arms. Yet, the most incredible words that he would ever speak was, “Father, Forgive them.”

     He takes the pages of our lives and makes them clean again. He wants to write His very image upon us. He wants to turn the blank and empty pages of our lives into something for His glory. How I pray that I will be willing to say to Him, “Then write away on the pages of my life and may I bring you glory when others read.”

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