Friday, October 22, 2010

The Old Preacher

The old preacher slowly moved towards the pulpit. He closed his eyes and looked towards the heavens asking Jesus to give him the words to say. "Revival that is the topic I believe that the Lord would have me to talk about today. We seek for it, read about it, and for some of us we even pray for it."

"I know that God's Word makes it clear that we will never see it come to brothers who would rather complain or back bite one another. Rather it will come to the heart of one who seeks to love his brother."

"It will not be based on how loud or softly we sing our hymns towards Him. It will come to the one who not only sings the words but applies them to his heart and life. The one who can sing, I surrender all and mean it with his heart."

"It will come to the one who loves the Word more then he loves life itself. It will be his measuring rod, his companion, his constant source of strength. The Word alone is where His Savior will be revealed."

"To the one whom revival comes, it will be Jesus, that is his all in all. He will wake up to Him, work his day with Him and he will find rest in his sleep as he closes his day with Him. He will ask himself what is the most important thing in this world? My fame, my pride, my petty wants that seem so important to me? No his question will be is Jesus exalted in my life? Do I speak of Him constantly as my Savior, Lord and Friend? Is He truly the focus of my life and the one upon whom I truly depend?"

"He will not see himself as a separate entity from the church for which His Savior bled and died. The problem will not be how the church is failing but rather, as a part of it, what more can I do to prepare His bride?"

"His sin and holiness will grip him and bring him to his knees. He will not be able to escape how bright the piercing eyes of the Holy One can see even his most secret thoughts. At the same time he will stand in awe of the one who loved him while he was still His enemy. He will be more broken over the fact that such a God would love him and send his Son to die for him upon the cross. His heart will rejoice to realize that he has been made clean. What wondrous love is this will forever be his theme."

"Yes, before I pray that revival comes upon this church or upon its people. First of all, Dear Jesus, let revival fall upon me."

"What is that which is more important in all of this life? That Jesus be exalted. That He is hailed as the king of kings. This is my hearts' prayer that true revival will fall upon me, so that the name above all names maybe exalted in me."

1 comment:

Michael Moore said...

This picture was taken at the Colorado National Monument near Grand Junction and Fruita Colorado.