Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I know that it is hard for some people to believe but there was a time when football just did not seem to appeal to me anymore. Maybe it was in my freshmen year of high school when coach sent me out to be the first one to run through the paper hoop. I was pumped and excited about the whole experience that was about to take place. Yet, it did not turn out the way that I thought it would. You see I was the smallest kid in the school at that time. Even more humiliating was to know that all the girls in my class were taller. So when I ran through the hoop I heard words that no FOOTBALL player would ever want to hear. I could hear many of them saying, Isn't he CUTE. Think about that, the words FOOTBALL and CUTE are never to be used in the same sentence. There is nothing cute about football. I finished the season and that was that. So for several years other then the Arkansas and Texas football with my Dad. I just didn't care what happened with football.

This went on for several years. Of course, when I got surrounded by the guys, I put on my best effort to sound like I cared ,but it was all for show. That was, until I begin to hear a name called WALTER and then everything changed. In those early years the Bears seemed to be constantly using him on every down. I began to watch him on TV and could not understand how a man could run like he did and even more incredible here was a running back who never backed down but blocked and hit better then most. It was because of his shear will that I began to follow the legendary Bears. I became fascinated how any man could play the game. Names and legends began to fill my mind. There was something awesome about men who would take a stand or fight for just one more yard of ground. What a game.

As I have gotten older my respect for good football has grown even more. It reminds me of the Christian walk and how it is so often faced with trials, bruises, war and hurt. Yet as a believer I have to get up and go at it everyday, face these issues and gain ground for the kingdom of God. I love to watch my Bears play and above all to watch them win. Even more though I want to play in this game of life and offer all I have got on this field of life to my Savior Jesus Christ.

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