Matthew 6:16-18 ( ESV )
16“And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they
disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to
you, they have received their reward.
18that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who
is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
Background on Fasting:
What is Fasting? Zondervan Pict. Encyclopedia-
“To abstain from food or a period in which abstinence takes place.” (In scripture it is often accompanied with
prayer and may also include abstinence from drink as well.)
Length of Fasting? Could be just a 24 hour
period of time or in some portions of scripture it would be longer.
Examples of Fasting in Scripture:
Ex. 34:28 Moses fasted 40 days and nights over
the commandments given to him.
On the Day of Atonement from morning till
evening a fast was observed. Lev. 16:29, 23:27-32 and Num. 29:7
I Sam. 7:6 Samuel @ Mizpah fasted over the sins
of the people of Israel.
I Sam. 1:12 David and Israel fasted upon hearing
of Saul and Jonathon’s death.
II Sam. 12:21-23-David fasted over his firstborn
son with Bathsheba. (Prayer was probably involved.)
Ezra 8:21-Ezra proclaimed a fast, “To seek a
safe journey.”
Neh. 9:1-Neh. And the people fasted and
confessed their sin, read the book of the Law and worshiped God.
Esther 9:31-32-Esther during the feast of Purim
and earlier in Esther 4:16 before she came before the king.
Daniel 9:3-Daniel sought the lord with prayer
and pleas for mercy with fasting, sackcloth and ashes not only here but also in
10:2-3. Seeking for God’s wisdom.
1 Matt. 9:14-17-Jesus tells why He did not fast
with his disciples even though John the Baptist had with his but His disciples
would fast later on. (Jesus himself though did fast as we see in Matt. 4:2)
1 It was a practice of the early church when
seeking God’s face in choices of leadership. Acts 13:2-3 Barnabas and Saul and
in the picking of Elders in 14:23.
Negative Examples of fasting:
I Kings 21:9-12-Jezebel used a fast for evil
against Naboth.
Is. 58:3-7 and 10-Fasting w/o true humility,
seeking their own pleasure and oppressive with others.
Luke 18:12 The unrighteous Pharisee comparing
himself with others. I fast 2xs a week.
(Excess of the demands of God.)
Acts 23:12-14-Pledge of those who sought to kill
So What should be our motives for Fasting?
Fasting was to be a sincere personal act between
us and our God alone. We may share our desire with others to fast but must
remember this is not for a spiritual merit badge.
Time to refocus on God.
Time to Humble ourselves before God.
Time to examine ourselves before God. (Ps.
Time to seek direction from God for our lives.
Matthew 6:16 ( ESV )
16“And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they
disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to
you, they have received their reward.
Passage assumes that we will be a people who will
fast as we read the phrase, “When you fast.”
Jesus does not condemn fasting but the
hypocritical type of fasting that was now happening.
BKC-“Fasting was the denial of the flesh but the
Pharisees made it to where it glorified the flesh.”
Now he moves to the negative side of fasting-
Gloomy has the idea of mournful as it was now being done for outward show. Many
would not wash their face, beard or even trim their hair to be seen by men.
The reason they would fast was to been seen by
others they would put ashes on their faces. (Ash Wed?) J.F.B-Not the deed but
reputation for the deed is what they sought.
Receive their reward-6:2 giving, and 6:5 prayer.
Matthew 6:17 ( ESV )
17But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face,
When you fast-Now the second time in the
Anoint-To look bright in contrast to the gloom
of verse 16. Put oil upon it. Maintain your regular appearance as usual as to
not attract attention of others. (The oil was used to keep their skin from
drying out.)
Matthew 6:18 ( ESV )
18that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who
is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
Real issue is why do you do your fasting?
Negative so that you can be seen by others.
Positive-This is your gift to God. He is the one
that you are going to and no one else.
Secret-2xs on subject of fasting. (Also for
giving 6:4 and praying 6:6) We look not for the applause of men but for a
private audience with God.
We seek a heavenly reward and not an earthly
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