Luke 11:1-2 After Jesus had talked to the crowd about prayer being about you
and God alone. The disciples in Luke 11:1 have apparently been watching Jesus
pray in a certain place that He would go to. When He finishes, one of the
disciples ask him, Lord teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples to pray.
(This was a custom of their day as rabbi's would often teach their students how
to pray. Think about how many of them had led a bad example though as we talked
about last week.) Yet, John apparently taught his disciples how to pray. We
should maybe practice this today. How many of us have been taught how to pray?
Matthew 6:9 ( ESV )
The key is this prayer is a model, not words
you have to say whenever you pray. This prayer offers us an example of how to
pray. MacArthur-Of the six petitions in the prayer, three are directed to
God-Matt. 6:9-10 and three t/w human needs. 11-13.
Father-Jn. 1:12, Luke 11:10-13 We can come to
Him as sons.
says the Lord: “Heaven is my
throne, and the earth is my
footstool; what is the house that you would build for
me, and what is the place of my rest? Is. 66:1 J.F.B
state the former talks about the nearness of our God while this part about Him
being in Heaven talks about the distance there is between us.
He rules over Heaven and
earth. Is. 6 and Rev. 4/5 A sense of awe
should come over us.
Hallowed be they name-Our Father is to be
reverenced. He is the holy one. Ex. 20:7 and Phil. 2:5-11. He hears His children's prayers but His
answers will be in accordance to His holiness. We are not to treat prayer
lightly we are coming before the God of the Universe. (The phrase I’m talking
to the man upstairs should not even be a part of our vocab.
Matthew 6:10 ( ESV )
Your kingdom come-Though a Jewish concept it
will also influence us as well. When we pray that His Kingdom will come here on
earth we are also praying that He will return. We as believers should have a
desire to leave this world far behind. (Matthew Ward-Far Behind)
When we pray for His kingdom to come we are
joining in the prayers of the saints before the throne in Rev. 5:8 (David
Brainerd is a great example in this area.) 2 Reasons why we are not comfortable
with this part of the prayer. As believers there are sins in our lives that
might cause us to not want to see Him lest we shrink away. As a non-believer
there is no peace about the thought of meeting Jesus. You need to receive Him.
One of the things that makes Heaven an
incredible place is that all that is taking place there is following what the
Lord wants. I want what God wants for me in my life in this only, will I truly
find perfect peace.
Do I pray, your will be done? In Matt. 26:42
Jesus says the following, “My father if this cannot pass unless I drink it,
your will be done.” Now if Jesus wanted to do the Father’s will then how much
more should I want to do what He would have me to do? Do I pray daily asking
the Lord for wisdom in what He would have me to do with my life or do I simply
tell Him, the one that I call Lord, follow me?
Matthew 6:11 ( ESV )
11 Give us this day our
daily bread,£
As the old saying goes not our greed but our
needs might be met. The Lord wants to supply our needs in our lives. He wants
us to rely upon Him for everything in our lives. We can come to Him and let our
request be made known to Him.
Bread sustains us and gives us the carbs that
we need in order to survive. The Lord loves to hear us when we pray to Him
about our daily needs. He wants to answer that prayer.
I believe that one of the biggest reasons on
why we worry is that we do not come to the Lord with our request, fears and
worries. We need to talk to Him. Proof of this I believe can be found in Phil.
4:6. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and
supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God.”
Matthew 6:12 ( ESV )
This is at the heart of the prayer our need to
be forgiven of our sins towards God and how we are willing to forgive others in
the way that they have wronged us. The word for debt in the parallel passage of
Luke is that of sins. Matthew as a tax collector would call it this. We are in
debt to God as we have violated his laws. In the same way that He has released
us of our sin debt we should be marked as those who are in debt to us with
their sins.
Our sins and need for fellowship with Him is
talked of in I John 1:9-10.
We on the other hand are told in Eph. 4:32
That we are to, “Be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another
as God in Christ forgave you.”
Matthew 6:13 ( ESV )
On the night in which Jesus was betrayed He
tried to get His disciples to pray in this way as he knew that their spirit was
willing but their flesh was weak. Matthew 26:40-41
God does not tempt us. He may allow it in our
lives but He will not Himself tempt us with sin. This is the work of Satan, his
followers and above all our own selves.
I like what Mead said years ago, “The idea is
not that of to seduce but Lord please don’t allow me to be brought to it.”
Do we pray that God will deliver us when we
are faced with temptations? Do we make this a part of our daily prayer life?
Lord help me not to stumble or to fall into sin.
Special note: KJV has the phrase, “For Yours is the Kingdom and
the power and the glory forever. Amen.”
Even though some of the oldest Greek ms. Do
not have these words and Luke omits it completely, for me it seems to fit in
the passage. One: Luke would not ness. have it as his gospel does not focus on
the Jews and the Kingdom. Two: It fits Matthew’s perspective. Three: II Chron. 29:11 states a similar
prayer by David.
The focus then on the last part then would be
that when we pray we should include praise to Him who reigns on high.
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