Matthew 6:19 ( ESV )
19“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and
rust£ destroy and where thieves break in and steal,
Erdman really understands this passage and tells
us that 2 warnings are given. The first one is against avarice, (a greed for
wealth or this worlds treasures) this is the temptation of those who are rich.
The second is anxiety which is more the temptation of the poor. He now deals
with the first grouping here in verse 19. These verses are not against us
saving or putting away but if our goal is only that or to buy, buy, buy this
world’s stuff. These actions show our true heart and concern for others.
Thieves could dig
through walls and steal a strongbox in one’s home, well-to-do people usually
tried one of several other methods to safeguard their wealth: investing money
with moneychangers, depositing it in a temple for safekeeping (even most
robbers balked at “robbing gods”) or burying it in the ground or in caves,
where, however, moth (for expensive apparel) or rust (for coins) could destroy
its value in time.
This was to never
be our goal but instead we were to be marked by Col. 3:2 Set your mind on things above, not on things
of this earth. We should use all that we have for the glory of God.
Matthew 6:20 ( ESV )
20but lay up for yourselves
treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do
not break in and steal.
Our main concerns should not be what this world
offers us or what we can get from it. Our main concern should always be our
motive which should be will what I do advance the cause of Christ or not. Huge
question: How will this benefit the cause of Jesus? Am I drawn closer to Jesus
by this or not? What is it that will please my Lord.
Lord I want to do, buy and make the most
important things in my life to be spiritual things about you. All of these
other things are the trinkets or the toys of the Damned. Why is this so
important? The next verse will answer that question.
Matthew 6:21 ( ESV )
The word for heart here has the idea of this is
what is on our thoughts continually and what is of the greatest import. Our
hearts for Jesus are revealed by the treasures that we keep. What are the
things or thoughts that we cherish the most in this world? What is it that
takes up the majority of our time in our minds?
Martin Luther said the following thing, “What a
man loves, that is his God. For he carries it in his heart, he goes about with
it night and day, he sleeps and wakes with it; be what it may-wealth or pelf
(riches or treasures) pleasure or renown.”
Matthew 6:22 ( ESV )
22“The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your
whole body will be full of light,
The idea of this passage is what do I have my
eyes set on? What is it that is most important to me? It will always be what I
focus, talk about and desire the most.
A “single” eye normally meant a generous one but
also sets the reader up for 6:24. A
“bad” eye in that culture could mean either a diseased one or a stingy one.
Many people believed that light was emitted from the eye, enabling one to see,
rather than that light was admitted through the eye. Although here Jesus
compares the eye to a lamp, he speaks of “diseased” eyes which fail to admit
light. Such eyes become a symbol for the worthlessness of a stingy person.
Matthew 6:23 ( ESV )
23but if your eye is bad, your
whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how
great is the darkness!
In contrast to light and our eye being healthy
now look what Matthew says as he contrast the eye that is full of darkness.
Darkness to the point of making everything
obscure. Are our spiritual eyes diseased like the Pharissees who thought that
wealth proclaimed a man to be righteous and was a sign of God's blessing upon
Ryrie: 6:23"
When our spiritual eyes are clouded by greed, there is nothing but
darkness." Our eyes inwardly and going outwardly show forth their evil
How great is your darkness?
Matthew 6:24 ( ESV )
24“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and
love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You
cannot serve God and money.£
Who is your master? The riches of this world which
will fade away or the Lord Almighty who reigns forever and ever? We are slaves whether we believe it or not,
the real question is to whom and we can find that answer by finding out what we
long and desire more. Whom do you cling to or are devoted to?
Hate has the idea of to detest while the word
love in the verse is agape. What is it that you give yourself wholeheartedly
Two masters rarely shared slaves, but when they
did it always led to divided interests. The word means to “belong wholly and be
entirely under command to.”
Now comes the second section-Maybe things are not what you
have a problem with. Maybe the real issue is you have nothing or very little.
How does that affect you? Have you become worried about what you have or do not
have? Let’s take a look at the following verses.
Matthew 6:25 ( ESV )
25£“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you
will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is
not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
Because I tell you that you cannot serve 2
masters don’t become worried about what you do or do not have.
The words, “do not be anxious” has the idea of
to be pulled in to two different directions.
(Legendary 2 horses splitting a man apart. Movie, “The Cowboys”)
Most people in antiquity had little beyond basic
necessities—food, clothing and shelter. Because their acquisition of these
necessities often depended—especially in rural areas—on seasonal rains or (in
Egypt) the flooding of the Nile, they had plenty of cause for stress even about
food and clothing.
Real issue the Pharisee had never truly learned
to live by faith.
The real issue is there is more to this life
than just food and clothes we are more than that.
I do not have to have the latest fashions in
order to be accepted or to be cool. I do not have to buy all my things at the
Key verse in all of this is Phil. 4:6, “Do not
be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
Matthew 6:26 ( ESV )
26Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather
into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value
than they?
-Look-Matthew now gives us
examples of what we should do.
Gather into barn-No great saving plans as they
live from one day to the next with God providing for them. VERSE 26 DEALS WITH
Our Father is the one who takes care of them and
what happens to them.
More value-So much for the animal rights
movement. God does place more value on human life then any other animal life.
Whether we see it or believe it God does take care of us and values us as a
great possession.
Matthew 6:27 ( ESV )
The subject of the longevity of our lives now
comes into play.
Some people are consumed with worry about how
long they have on this earth. What good will worry do to this issue? You cannot
add one more hour to your life than what God wants for you. Enjoy the life that
God has given you under the sun.
Matthew 6:28 ( ESV )
28And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the
field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin,
Clothing becomes so important to some people. We
have got to have tons of it or have the newest brand name. The Pharisees were
of the same mind set look at the story of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16.
The Lilies of the field do not get fatigued over
what they look like or spin to the point of growing weak from their work.
Matthew 6:29 ( ESV )
Solomon was one of the wealthiest men who ever
lived and he had everything at his fingertips. Yet, even he could not clothe
himself in the way that God could clothe the beauty of nature. Do you see what
is happening here? God wants us to know that He will take care of us. He will
supply our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.
Matthew 6:30 ( ESV )
30But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive
and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you
of little faith?
James 1:11-For the sun rises with its scorching
heat and withers the grass; its flower falls, and its beauty perishes. So also
will the rich man fade away in the midst of his pursuits.
The point is that if God shows this much concern
@ something as small as these things and takes care of them even though they
might perish quickly. How much more will he take care of me and you.
Our problem quite often is our “little” faith.
Matt. 8:26-Jesus on the boat with the men during the storm, 14:31-Jesus with
Peter on the storm tossed waters when he was sinking down, and 16:8 Jesus teaches them how he will provide
even when the bread does not seem to appear.
When we worry @ these things we show to the
world just how little our confidence is in the Lord.
Matthew 6:31 ( ESV )
31Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What
shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’
Because we know that God takes care of these
things we should not become worried over how He will take care of us.
Matthew 6:32 ( ESV )
32For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father
knows that you need them all.
The idea of the word seek has the idea of with
intensity, demanding or craving. This is an all consuming fire for them.
The heathen or Gentile thinks this way. He is
constantly worried about how he will be taken care of and what he needs for
fulfillment. God knows that these things
are necessities in our lives. He will not abandon us.
Matthew 6:33 ( ESV )
33But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all
these things will be added to you.
Seek-What we should
crave for the most is the following. These things should be of supreme
importance to us and should consume us day and night.
This is our chief priority to seek after Him.
Kingdom-More then just heaven but I want to
serve underneath his reign." Kingdom of God may also refer here to Seek
out His salvation and with it comes the full care and provision of God.
Righteousness-I want to live a life that will
beg for his righteousness and to be molded by Him into His image. When I do
this then all other things fall into place in my life.
Matthew 6:34 ( ESV )
34“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be
anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Do not worry @
tomorrow or what may come. Place your confidence and trust in Him who is able
to keep you and watch over you. He made a promise that He would. If He can take
care of all of the above then certainly He can take care of us.
Each day will have
its own trouble don't be worried about that which we cannot see coming or what
it may bring. Live for this day looking to Him. Each day has its own problem to
think about tomorrow only doubles our worries.
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