Sunday, October 28, 2012

A worldwide symphony

     Like many of you, over the course of the last few days, I have been watching a lot of weather. They call the Hurricane that is coming, "Sandy." Some are even calling it, "Frankenstorm." When I first heard of it, I automatically thought of our old friends like: Dave, Michael, Dr. Brownback, Jeff, Scott and Veronica and all of their families. I was also reminded of our new friends, who we made in Pennsylvania, who are now dear brothers and sisters. How we pray that all will be well with them at the end of the storm.

      I was praying for these brothers and sisters at the end of our church service today. The Lord reminded me of an incredible fact, we have brothers and sisters who are all over this globe. As believers, our family that we are members of is so incredibly vast and huge. What an incredible Father we have, who has allowed us to be a part of His Body universal and through out all of time.

     Our family is not tied into one specific race. He allows all of the various colors of this world to blend into one, whether we be white, black, red, yellow or any other shade. He is not a respecter of age, as this incredible family has members who are much older, clean to the little children of this world whom He loves and adores. One day,. He will call His family members together from all around the globe.  From our blessed shores to Africa, Asia, South America, and every other continent in this world.

     Whenever I walk into our church, I am amazed at the various people that we meet. How our personalities are so varied, our social status, incomes, desires and needs are so far apart. Yet, for a few moments every week, we lift up our voices in praise to Him. We gather around His Word, which is the voice of our Father calling us to draw near to Him. All of our discords and differences are laid aside, and as varied as we are, we gather  around Him in perfect harmony. What is even more amazing is how He hears these same voices in homes, church buildings, caves, tunnels all around this globe. As we speak in our various languages and cry out His name, He hears a symphony of praise. This is the JOY of the body universal.

     We are brothers and sisters who are called out to change this world. We are brothers and sisters who are to be known for our love for one another. When one part of His body is in need or is hurting, we are called out to bring hope and healing. We can call out to our Father, who is no respecter of persons, for our needs as well as the needs of the body around the world and we can KNOW this for a fact, He will hear us.

     Not all of mankind is a part of this brotherhood, as some may teach. No, scripture tells us, that we can only be a part of this family if we have put our faith in Jesus alone. It is only through Him that we can come to the Father and be adopted into this family.

     One day, we shall see Him, face to face and what a day of rejoicing that will be. I also look forward to that day, when I will be able to see all of my brothers and sisters, gathered together and bringing forth praise towards Him in the greatest symphony of all time. How precious it will be to hear and to see crowns cast before His throne and every knee bowing down to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.


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