Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Bumper Sticker

If your like me I really don't pay to much attention to bumper stickers. Yes, I do have two of them and for those of you who know me they pretty well fit my families personality. You may have seen this one though as it really stood out to me." America is not at war, The Troops are at war, America is at the mall."

Now for some that may come across harsh or even cynical, but it is true. I have my freedoms and enjoy my life because of what some men were willing to sacrifice, so that I could work and play here in the USA. Even though there are times I may not like where our country seems to be headed. We have immense freedoms that others do not have in this world. I may own a gun. I am able to worship in the way that I want to and proclaim the name of Christ. I can say what I believe. I can even vote in a few more days for the leadership of our country. We truly do have it good.

The thing that I will never forget in all of this, is that it all came at the sacrifice of others. One morning some Mother and Father waved their son or daughter good-bye praying that they would come home soon. Only to be grieved with the news of their injuries or even the ultimate sacrifice of death. In no way will I ever be able to understand their pain and sorrow.  Their sacrifice should be honored daily. This is a debt we will never be able to repay.

In the same way I can never repay another debt. Born a sinner and deserving of Hell and all of its fury. The Father sent His Son to take my place, so that I can be free from the bondage of sin and Hell. He was spat upon, mocked, laughed at, beaten, flesh torn wide open and crucified for my sins. All of this done before His Father's eyes. Yet, in victory He has risen from the grave victoriously for you and me. We are free because of what He has done for us.

None of us could have made this sacrifice. Our sin has so scarred us, our death would have been meaningless. Yet the perfect one and the lamb without sin He could do this for us and not only us but for the sins of the whole world. Today may we never forget His awesome sacrifice and for His Father's love in that He was willing to let His Son take our place.

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