Thursday, April 19, 2012

What are your favorite Christian Hymns or Songs?

     Last night as we got ready for our study at Calvary on the issue of trials one of my favorite modern Hymns was sung. I have to tell you I stood there singing the lines of that song and was moved emotionally at the greatness of my savior. There are just certain Hymns and Christian songs that have come to mean more to me as I grow older and I could listen to a thousand times over.
     The biggest reason why I love so many of these songs is not just the melody but the lyrics. Here are some of my very favorites that I love. Please feel free to comment and tell me what some of your favorite ones are. I have no particular order except for the first one which is still my favorite of all time.
1.       It is well with my soul. I remember at one point early in my Christian walk being devastated by some terrible news. I wanted to be by myself and so I took a walk to my favorite rock at Citadel. I wept and cried out to the Lord over the situation and begged Him to show Himself strong. I needed to get back to the chapel and as I walked in, “It is well with my soul,” was being sung. Each and every line is a testimony to the comfort that the Lord gives. I love how though faced by trials, Bliss would end it with our greatest of all hopes. “And Lord haste the day when the faith shall be sight, the clouds be rolled back as a scroll, the trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend even so it is well with my soul.”
2.       Jesus Messiah. Chris Tomlin has written many great songs but for me this simple song is still my very favorite by Him. This was the song that we sang at Calvary last night and it made me think of His sacrifice and His greatness .When I think about the verses from this song my mind turns to Philippians 2:5-11.
3.       Do you feel their pain? Not many know this song. It was written by Steve Camp and no song challenges me more to share the Gospel with a lost and dying world. It takes me out of my comfort zone and demands that I see the needs of those without a Savior. The most unloved are precious in His sight.
4.       Jesus loves me. Many of us think about it being just a children’s song but if you will listen to the words closely it was meant for us all.
5.       Hold me Jesus. Rich Mullins will always be one of my favorite composers and His Liturgy, Legacy and a Ragamuffin Band is my favorite Christian album of all time. How many of us have not felt these lines at least one time in our lives? “So hold me Jesus, I’m shaking like a leaf, you have been king of my glory, would you be my prince of peace?”
6.       Great is thy Faithfulness-Need I say more?
7.       O holy night-Like my mother before me this is my favorite Christmas hymn of all. I have heard many great singers take a stab at this one yet, the wild part of it all is that my favorite singer of this song was not famous but a godly gentleman by the name of Alan Paulsen. How I would look forward to him slowly building this song to its great crescendo. What was more important to me was watching this simple man of God live his faith out daily.
8.       My Jesus I love thee-What words of assurance to our soul, “My Jesus I love thee, I know thou art mine, for thee all the follies of sin I resign.”
9.       Worthy is the Lamb-He alone deserves our praise and is worthy of everything in our lives.
10.   Leaning on the everlasting arms-As a group of young preachers I love the memories of us going to the local jail and holding services there. I would look at my fellow brothers, Scott, Tim, Doug and others as we were able to live out these lines, “What a fellowship, what a joy divine, Leaning on the everlasting arms.”
11.   I saw the Light-It was the first Gospel song I ever remember learning or singing. It truly has been my testimony before I came to Jesus. “I wandered so aimless, life filled with sin, I wouldn’t let my dear savior in, then like the blind man that God gave back His sight, praise the Lord I saw the light.”  One of the saddest stories about this song is how that Minnie Pearl told Hank thanks for the blessing of this song. It was then that he reportedly stated, “That’s the problem, I don’t see the light.”
12.   I wish we all been ready-The original is still great to listen to by Larry Norman but it really hits home when I hear D.C. Talks version.
13.   I’ll fly away-Why this one? I love the joy that it brings especially when it comes to the chorus line. J
14.   Amazing grace-His grace grows sweeter every day.  I still can’t believe that He would save a wretch like me.
15.   Amazing love, How can it be?-“My chains fell off, my soul set free, I rose went forth and followed thee. Amazing love how can it be that thou my God would die for me.”
What are some of your favorite Christian Hymns and Songs? 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These are inspiring lyrics. My favorite Christian hymn is “Anima Christi” and I just love singing it every time it plays during service. The chorus’ lyrics are my favorite. It goes: “hear me Jesus, hide me in Thy wounds that I may never leave Thy side, from all the evil that surround me, defend me, and when the call of death arrives, bid me come to Thee that I may praise Thee with Thy saints, forever.” It has a lovely melody to it too.

Dalene Croff