Sunday, April 15, 2012

Psalms 37:1-2 ( ESV )

1 Fret not yourself because of evildoers; be not envious of wrongdoers!

2 For they will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb.

Prosperity, It’s a huge struggle for many of us. We live in a world that focuses in on the wealthy, the celebrity of the month and the almighty dollar. We judge success based on numbers whether it be money, stats or how many people we have coming to our own local church. American politics forever changed from what a man believed in, to just one simple phrase written on a white board during the Clinton run for presidency. “It’s the economy stupid.” This is now the hallmark of what is important to us as Americans not,” What are the moral issues that are worth fighting for?” Then in the midst of it all we hear the false prophets of our day shouting out how that Jesus wants us all to be wealthy. (Tell this to my brothers from Haiti, who in the midst of their poverty have a deeper relationship with Jesus then most of these, “Men of Faith.”)

I know that while some read this you might think that this is a rant against those who have and those who do not. Listen, neither is more spiritual and the Lord makes no difference between the two in His eyes.  I, just like others struggle to try to make ends meet at times. I get mad, discouraged and a thousand other things when things are tight. Yet I am grateful to see how the Lord has blessed other brothers with financial prosperity. They have labored for it and should not according to popular belief, “share their wealth.”

The Bible talks about the riches of this world and how we see people who go insane in trying to grasp for even more. They must be prosperous at all cost. Yet the real issue for me is that God does want me to be prosperous but not in the same way that the world sees it. If He blesses me financially that is welcomed but if He chooses not to then that is good as well and I can still leave this world a prosperous man.

As I look at Psalms 37 David wants to remind me of a few things to keep my head clear in the midst of the pursuit of wealth.

1.     Don’t worry or fret about what others have. The word for fret in verse one has the idea of to blaze up, to be incensed, and to grow warm. I was wondering how that had anything to do with what my Great-Grandmother would say to me many years ago about, “Don’t fret about it Mikey Shane, the Lord knows what He is doing.” (It is good to remember that she was the only person who would call me by this nickname.)

Then it made sense to me while I was having my devotions. How often do I get consumed or burnt up about what I have or don’t have? How often do I allow myself to think by having things of this world that I will be happy? It can get to the point with some of us that we worry about it to such a point that we become consumed and burn after earthly treasures. Why do I want to fret about something that the Lord says should not be my consuming fire. He is to be my consuming fire.

2.     It all passes away in the end. Cash put it best when he sang these words, “And you can have it all my empire of dirt.” We forget how the prosperity of this world passes away. Look at chapter 37 and see how temporal it all can be. It will fade like the grass and the green herb. 37:2 Like a green laurel tree that passes away. 37:35-36

3.     The world’s idols and those who bow down at their feet will perish as well. In verses 9, 23,34 and 38 we see how that the wicked who make these things their idols will be cut off. The Lord laughs at the wicked for they have traded that which is eternal for that which is temporal and they inherit His judgment. 37:13 The arms of the wicked will be broken as well as the strength of their bows. 37:15-16 “The wicked will perish; the enemies of the Lord are like the glory of the pastures; they vanish-like the smoke they vanish away. 

O, brothers and sisters may we keep our eyes always upon Him. Look not to the foolish of the world or try to be like them. Conform ourselves to His image and bow down only before Him. The Cathedral Quartet put it best when they sang, “So I’ll worship only at the feet of Jesus, His cup alone my holy grail, there are no other gods before me, just Jesus only, He will never fail.”

4.     Matthew 6:33 should be our constant rally cry when we are tempted to look to the world and its view of prosperity. “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.”

This is the reason why some of the most prosperous men whom I have known have not been wealthy at all. Their treasure and their hope were wrapped up in just one man and that man is the God man Jesus.  This is why the Psalmist can shout out that, “In the days of famine they have abundance.” Psalms 37:19 “Better is the LITTLE that the righteous has than the ABUDANCE of many wicked.” Psalms 37:16. He is the pearl of GREAT PRICE and I am willing to sell it all so that I can have Him.

5.     How should we live in the midst of it all? I love these words that David uses in the Psalm. TRUST-To hide in refuge of, to be bold or confident. DWELL-To lodge or to reside within. DELIGHT-To be soft or pliable towards. COMMIT-Seek occasion or to wallow in.

Remember where we first started out at? We were not to fret or be consumed about the things or people of this world and make them into our idols. No, we are to be the ones who are to be marked by our commitment, trust, and delight in making Jesus our dwelling place and what will consume our souls. When we do this no matter what we may have or not have then we are truly prosperous.

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