Tuesday, October 25, 2011


2 Kings 2:2 ( ESV )

2And Elijah said to Elisha, “Please stay here, for the Lord has sent me as far as Bethel.” But Elisha said, “As the Lord lives, and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.” So they went down to Bethel.

     Today, I was once again struck full force with the idea of my devotion to God. I will often complain or murmur against Him when He does not seem to fulfill my needs or desires. I get lost in the mire of the things of this world and lose focus of what is really important. The Word is my strength though and it has kept me yearning for Him and for a city not made by hands.

     Elisha had been following in the footsteps of Elijah for some time now. He is then told by this one who was like a Father to him that he must be leaving. How it must have broken Elisha’s heart to know that this one who he had watched and followed was now going away.

     Three times Elijah will tell Elisha to stay and go no further. Three times Elisha could have just given up and went back home but he did not. He wanted and had to be around Elijah to the very end of his journey here on earth.

     “I will not leave you.” This was Elijah’s song of devotion to this one who had showed him the way of the Lord. He proved this devotion to the very end in that he would not leave his side. On top of all of this there were others around him who tried to sway him away but Elijah would have no part of it.  He would not heed to the voices but wanted to cling to him.
     A few weeks ago I was able to share about Ruth and her devotion to Naomi in a church in Grand Rapids. It was a blast being able to talk about how she was unwilling to go back to what was safe. Yet, what seems safe will be treacherous ground and sinking sand if the Lord is not in it. Ruth knew this and she was wholeheartedly devoted to her mother-in-law and would not leave her side.
     I am reminded of Jacob when he wrestled with the Lord. He did this all through the night and he even paid the price physically. I love those words when he shouts out to the Lord. “I will not go until you bless me.” David had a heart after God that would not be quenched. He was like a deer by a water brook with his eyes focused and devoted to Him alone who can satisfy.
     How it grieved the hearts of the disciples when they heard that their beloved Jesus was leaving them. Where can we go for you have the Words of life? We will go with you. Yet, they could not go with Him and partake of the cup that He was about to partake of. They, just like us, would flee from Him for a short while. Yet, He would send His blessed Spirit who would draw them close to Him again.
     This is the heart that we need. I want a heart that even when all the forces of Hell gather around me that will be consumed with Elisha’s words. “I will not leave you.”

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