Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Moving it is one of the words that I believe that I hate more than any other in the world. My wife though I think hates it even more. (Wait a second, I KNOW she hates it even more.) For months she prepared for the move. Her and Haddy put stuff in packages during that whole time. They held two garages sales and gave away countless things to others. They tapped, wrapped and examined every item. I on the other hand simply packed my things and helped put stuff on the moving van. Still yet, I hate moving.

Moving forces us to do a lot of things that just for lack of a better word makes us feel strange. I don't know how to put it other than that. It has and always will be an awkward time for a family. Maybe a few of the following things might make some sense to what I mean.

1. Moving always forces us to ask, "Do I really need this object?" I am always amazed at my own greed over things that are not needful in my life. When I look at something I feel compelled to buy or logically try to figure out in my head why I need it. It amazes me how much I can't live without it and yet when packing I realize just how seldom I even use it. I get caught up in the world's riches and often forget the things that are more important. Like so many I am reminded that the most important things in this life are things that cannot be bought. My daughter's laughter, my salvation, our relationship with Christ and true friendship. These are the things that I truly need.

2. Moving sometimes involves a stripping away. I hate giving up things that have become important to me. They might not mean much to others but to me they mean the world. Yet, I don't  have to have them to make my journey complete. It's very similar to my Christian walk in that I grow accustomed to my sins or evil desires and   I don't want them taken away from me.They become a part of me and yet, God wants to strip them away so that I can be a better man for His glory.

3. Moving involves a whole lot of good-byes. What a tough time this last move was as we had to say good-bye to so many that we love. At one point I had grown so tired of saying goodbye to others that I simply had to leave the building. You grow to love people, their dreams, their walks with the Lord. You know that you have to leave but it hurts so much. I can't wait until we get to glory where there will be no more farewells. We will forever be with our loved ones who have received Him as savior and what a day that will be. I was able in this move to say like John R. Rice used to say to his fellow brothers and sisters when departing, "I'll see you again."

4. Moving involves closing up things that will not be seen for awhile. You begin to wonder at times when unpacking, "Where is such and such?" Even with marking all of the boxes you feel as though your on Let's Make a Deal with the mystery doors or packages. What a bummer, I want it all to be revealed to me NOW. Not tomorrow or the next day but in the words of Queen, "I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now." Sometimes it feels to much like our lives. Sometimes our lives don't make any sense at all. We question, we wonder why God? I'm sorry Lord but I just can't see the end of the tunnel.

    The Lord knows these emotions that we struggle with. The questions, the confusion and sometimes like the objects packed away in the box. The DARKNESS of it all. He though is not surprised or confused about what is going on in our lives. He will one day reveal us to the light of why it all happened or simply we will no longer even question why?

5. Moving involves a fear of the unknown. What will happen next? What will our new neighbors be like? How will we fit in? How will the new job work out or will there even be employment so I can take care of my family?

    This often is the hardest part of moving because it involves that one simple word that we all struggle with in our walks. TRUST. Do I really trust the Lord to act as the loving God that He is portrayed as in the scriptures? Will He provide? Will He give me strength for the journey ahead? Will He keep my family from all harm? Listen, we may say that we trust Him but it is during these kind of adventures where we find out if our faith is real or not.

     Here is what I do know. He has never failed me yet. He has always loved me. He has always provided. He is the same God who watched out for Abraham, Moses, Elijah, and a host of too many to mention. If He  has done all of these things then surely He will continue to do so.

I love Philippians when Paul says, "He who began a good work in you will continue to do so until the day of Christ Jesus. That is the one moving day that I long for with all of my heart. For we shall see Him face to face.

Attack of the Killer Squirrels. (You can see the evil in his little eye.)

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