Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Enemy Reacts. Neh. 4:7-10

Nehemiah 4:7-8 ( ESV )

7 £ But when Sanballat and Tobiah and the Arabs and the Ammonites and the Ashdodites heard that the repairing of the walls of Jerusalem was going forward and that the breaches were beginning to be closed, they were very angry.

8And they all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and to cause confusion in it. 

     We must realize that we as Christians are a band of brothers. When you and I begin to pray we expect God to answer instantly, or at least in the way that I want Him to answer. Yet, sometimes what happens is that the enemy will hate us even more, as they see that we will not be swayed. Though the enemy may be strong, the God we serve and the band of brothers that we have are stronger.

     Look  what changed after Nehemiah prayed and continued on with the work. He not only has his old enemies, but a new one now comes on the horizon. The Ashdodites now join in with their hatred for God's people. These were a group of Philistines who probably came from the west of Jerusalem.  The enemy was surrounding them with their hatred.

     Brothers, as odd as it sounds some people do not want to see our situations get better. There are some people who take comfort when we fall. Our lives, will often like the walls of Jerusalem become like rubble. Cracks begin to show in our life. This is when many rejoice.  I am always amazed at how some people become more fearful of us when our lives change. (Think about the demonic of Mark 5:15. When he became sound and in his right mind that is when the others became afraid.) 

     We are told that the enemies of God plotted against Israel for their demise. They were willing to fight against God and His people just to keep them from rebuilding their walls. The word for confusion has the idea of to cause injury. They wanted to destroy the walls. In the same way today, there are people who wish to destroy the cause of Christ. They want to stop the building or rebuilding by Him in our lives.

Nehemiah 4:9 ( ESV )

9And we prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection against them day and night.

     I love it! Once again the first thing Nehemiah does in light of these actions against them is, to pray. He was serious about His reliance upon God as a leader of His people. My work means so little and is of no value if it is not bathed in prayer to Christ alone.

     In this passage, we also see that Nehemiah also set a guard to protect his people. They truly had put their faith in our Lord. They also wanted to be ready if they had to fight the enemies of God. You know this is still true today. We are to be a people who are completely dependent upon God. We are also to be a people who are prepared for the enemy. He wants to devour us as a whole. I must be prepared for battle. I must not grow weary. I must not back down. "Father, you are here and you want to hear my voice. You want me to rest and rely upon you for deliverance. Yet, you have also told me to be aware of my adversary. You have told me to not to go to sleep. You have told me not to be entangled but to be a good soldier. Give me the grace that I need in this area of my life. Help me to stand guard."

Nehemiah 4:10 ( ESV )

10In Judah it was said,£ “The strength of those who bear the burdens is failing. There is too much rubble. By ourselves we will not be able to rebuild the wall.”

     Reality check. In the midst of the battle sometimes we get discouraged. We look at how the battle is going. We look at our resources and at our strength and weep. Like the people of Israel, we shout out, " there is too much rubble." We all grow weary as the enemy wants to have us for dessert. We often become overwhelmed by our lives.

     What they also say next is true, "By ourselves we will not be able to rebuild the wall." Maybe the Lord has to bring us to the point. We get so discouraged by it all and forget that the arm of flesh will fail us. Cry out to Him of your need. I CAN"T REBUILD. I AM TO TIRED. I HAVE FAILED MY GOD.

      Two thoughts come into mind. The most important: God I need you to help me to rebuild the mess called, ME. Secondly, As individuals they could not rebuild but with the help of their brothers they could. God, I need my brothers to help me. I do want a fellowship with brothers who will band around me as I look to my God for deliverance. 

     I still have that band of brothers after all of these years. I can call them when the burdens become to heavy. Scott, or Rick, or Tim, or Aaron or Keith, guys I need you to pray for me. I feel as though I am sinking down. I know that they will lift me up to the throne of Grace. They will plea for God to strengthen me.

     The Lord though knows me even better. He wants to rebuild this mess called me, for His glory. When the storm clouds gather He is there. There is never to much rubble that He cannot overcome. He wants to deliver us from our enemies. 

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