Ephesians 2:11-16 ( ESV )
11Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh,
called “the uncircumcision” by what is called the circumcision, which is made
in the flesh by hands—
12remember that you were at that time separated from Christ,
alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of
promise, having no hope and without God in the world.
14For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has
broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility
15by abolishing the law of commandments and ordinances, that he
might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace,
Racist, or bigot just the sound of those two words should send shivers
down our spines as believers. The idea of race should never have anything to do
with how we view one another. Yet, I have even known pastors and their wives
teach such values to their children. Some white parents who would not even let
their children play with dolls that were of different colors lest they start
intermingling and maybe even get married.
“Garbage!!” They were not all southerners either; I have seen just as
much prejudice in the north. What even sickens me more is how some will repeat
this filth and try to defend it as Christianity. Now that may sound harsh to
some. This is one time that I hope that it does.
Paul writes this part of Ephesians he notices a problem with how the Israelites
as well as how the Gentiles looked upon one another. This passage though deals
with how God wanted to break these barriers on an even more important level.
reminds his Gentile readers that at one time they were separated from Christ
himself. Like John chapter one the Gentiles are not born again because of their
race. No one is born a believer no matter their status in life, church
membership or even their race. By the way even those who are born as Jews are
not allowed entrance into heaven because of their race as well.
are also told by Paul here in Eph. 2:12 that we were alienated or cut off from
Israel and the promises God had given to them. Paul brings up in Romans that
the advantage that the Jews had for so long was that the law and the covenants
were given to them. We were a people with no hope and without God in the world.
The Jews in the Old Testament were to share this good news of who God was to
the Gentile world. Yet after a while many had forgotten to do so and many would
even refuse to do so later on.
mean and terrible that they would not share might be the cry of some. Yet, as
any student of history will tell you their race was despised and hated. Their
circumcision was laughed at by the world and their beliefs were mocked. They
were treated so badly in such a way by the Gentiles that they after a while
responded back in disdain and hatred as well. By the time Rome had taken over,
as far as all parties were concerned they could even barely tolerate each
of this would change in the personhood of Jesus Christ. He would the WRECKING
BALL. I mean have you ever seen one of those things at work? There is nothing
cooler to a man than the sound of walls or buildings falling down by the power
of one of these machines. (I for one would just love to have one.) Note in
verse 14 how Paul says, “He has broken down in His flesh, the dividing wall of
hostility.” This is not just some chant to be sung at a meeting. This is a
reality of what Christ has done for us no matter what race we come from. The
Laws and ordinances that showed us both as Jews as Gentiles as being condemned
is now forgiven through Christ alone who can give us peace. He did this so that
we could have peace with God but not only that He did this so that we no matter
what race we are from can be one with His body.
Listen brothers and sisters the Gospel’s main and most important purpose
is to bring us to peace with our God. We as a people can only have peace with
God through what was done on the cross. One of the other things though as
believers is that it should draw us together as one no matter what our race
might be. We of all people are to be known as those who show love one to
another. How senseless it must be to our Father when we as His children refuse
to get along or try to come together. We as believers are called to be one.
Ephesians 2:17-22 ( ESV )
19So then you are no longer strangers and aliens,£ but you are fellow
citizens with the saints and members of the household of God,
Paul wants to share with that not has Jesus only acted like a wrecking ball to
bring down the walls He also is working on a building. He wants us to know that
we have access to the master builder who is our Father through the Spirit of
are no longer strangers or aliens. We are not outside of God’s grace or
kindness. As saints of God no matter who you are we are citizens and members of
the household of God.
building a house I want to know how and with what it is built upon. What kind
of flooring does it have? What kind of shape are the walls in? The most
important question I want to know, Is the foundation solid? Jesus brought this
up in Matthew when He talked about those who would build their house upon sand
or upon the Rock. The foundation for our house of faith is that of the apostles
and the prophets themselves. What is even more incredible is that Jesus is the
cornerstone of the building.
last thing that I want to bring up is how that this building is a growing
building. The body of Christ is alive. It is a breathing and living temple. You
and I are walking around in this world as part of this body. We are able to
share about a hope that can bring peace to all of mankind. Indwelt by the
Spirit of God His church is alive. May we live this truth out before all men.
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