Ephesians 3:13 ( ESV )
through the book of Ephesians has been such a blessing to my heart this time
around. What a true blessing it has been to see God’s amazing grace. As I read
this passage I am reminded though of how at times I am tempted or that I do
lose heart in my journey. Yet, what a true joy I had today in reading this
passage and others that deal with this very issue.
are some things that I should do in light of possibly losing heart? Well for
one in this passage and its immediate context I should pray as Paul does in
Ephesians 3:16
Ephesians 3:16 ( ESV )
16that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be
strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being,
Many are
the time that I grow weary, even in well doing. The real issue quite often is
that I get caught up with doing things in my flesh and relying upon my own
inadequate power. Father, help me to rely upon your Spirit and His power alone.
For only you can strengthen my inner man. This is my prayer daily, that I will
rely upon the Spirit of God and His power. What can I offer of my own
abilities? He alone wishes to give to me the very riches of His glory.
wants to pour out from the abundance of Heaven his mercy upon us. What an
incredible concept. I need to submit to Him in all things dying to self and
being raised by His power to continue on through the day.
first thing I need to do in not losing heart is to be strengthened by the power
of the Spirit of God. Now as I went through my quiet time I saw a second thing
that I should do to not lose heart.
Luke 18:1 ( ESV )
of the huge keys to not losing heart is to be constant in prayer. As Jesus told
this parable he brought up how a widow came to a judge who did not fear God or
man. He was not one who was easily moved but hardened to the cries of his
people. Yet, when this woman kept coming to him with her need he finally gave
in to her request.
is far from this type of man. He is concerned about the cries of his children.
He has heard me before I have even uttered a word to Him. I must keep in mind that my God will deal
justly. He will deal with me as one of His dear children. This is a promise He has
made in the passage. He will be good on His word.
the midst of the battle He wants me to cry out constantly to His throne. Isn’t
that unusual, one of the things to keep us from losing heart is to keep on
keeping on in prayer. By being constant
in prayer it also helps us to keep our focus on Him and not the trial before
Philippians 4:6-7 ( ESV )
6do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and
supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
7And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will
guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
we keep our focus upon Him in prayer we stop being so worried. In my prayers I
cry out to Him with a heavy heart. Yet, while I am praying to Him, He reminds
me of all the things that I should be thankful for. My worries though still
real and still there become smaller when I reflect on His goodness towards me
and those whom He loves.
I can
make my request known to Him and it is never a dreary thing to Him. He wants me
to communicate to Him and share my fears and desires. When I do this I can
reflect upon how He has brought me safe thus far and how He will lead me home.
Sometimes it doesn’t even make any sense at all but that is when despite
all the odds His peace will surpass all of these things. His plan and desires
for me will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
do not grow weary of my persistent prayers Father as you have said in your
Word. “Call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things
that you know not of.”
Joshua 1:9 ( ESV )
9Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be
frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord
your God is with you wherever you go.”
Lastly we can be strong and courageous as He will be with us wherever we
go. Like the Israelites of old God had promised them their land and He went
before them. They did not know what to expect or what might happen next. They
put their feet out into the vast unknown knowing this fact; God would be with
them wherever they went.
Lastly, when I am about to lose heart I know that I have a Father that
will go with me and even before me. He would tell His disciples these same
words as He left them, “And behold I am with you always even to the end of the
remember when we are about to lose heart…1. Cry out to Him for the fullness of
His Spirit’s power. 2. Be constant in
prayer. 3. Remember that He will always be with us no matter what. Don’t lose
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