Thursday, September 20, 2012


Some say that His return is just a fantasy,
 Childish dreams, fairy tales, but not reality,
Yet He never made a promise that He did not keep,
He said that He would come again and that is good enough for me.

I will see Him in all of His glory,
I will bow down and worship at His feet,
I will cry out with my voice Holy, Holy,
Undeserving, yet He will come back for me.

What does this world truly offer us?
What treasures are here that we will keep?
Nothing, but the fleeting things that will pass,
Yet, men will grasp the temporal rather than eternity.

Yet I would rather see Him in all of His glory,
I will one day bow down and worship at His feet,
I will cry out with my voice Holy, Holy,
Undeserving, yet He will come back for me.

He is no longer a baby meek and mild,
He is no longer the suffering one, who died for me,
Rather at this moment He is robed in white,
The Risen Lord and coming King of Kings,

I will see Him in all of His glory,
I will bow down and worship at His feet,
I will cry out with my voice Holy, Holy,
Undeserving, yet He will come back for me.

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