Thursday, July 5, 2012


Matthew 5:3 ( ESV )

3“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

·         The word picture for poor here is that of a beggar who is ashamed to look up. He is a person who sees himself as one who is spiritually bankrupt and hungers for the things of God. He knows who he is in comparison to the God that he comes before and like Isaiah of old says, “Woe is me for I am undone.” This is the man to whom the Lord is drawn to. Look at these words also from the book of Isaiah 66:2, “But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.”

·         As I read this passage I am also reminded of the deep contrast of that day between the Pharisee and the Tax Collector in Luke 18:9-14. This teaching flew in the faces of the Pharisees and the false teachers of the day. Even now as we see the day of Christ approaching we see how this seems so strange to the world and its standards today. II Timothy 3:2

·         One of the first things that happens to a man when he comes to salvation is that of true humility. For the first time we truly see ourselves for who we are and that we cannot obtain salvation through anything that we do. In the words of my brothers from Haiti, “We bow our knee to the ground.” We come to a point where we know that I will never be good enough and that we are corrupt and only the blood of Jesus can forgive us of our sins.

Matthew 5:4 ( ESV )

4“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

·         I like the old Arab proverb that says the following thing, “All sunshine makes a desert.” Does this verse mean that Jesus wants us to be an unhappy people? No!! There are two possible thoughts that maybe true about those who mourn and I believe that in the context of the passage both fit. 1. These are those who are persecuted for their faith and are weeping over what is happening. 2. They are weeping over how their sin has affected their God as well as others. This does not mean that God is pleased when we just emotionally weep over our sin. (Keep in mind what it says about an Esau type of remorse.) but, we are emotionally broken over our sin and repentance flows from our hearts. A good cross reference at this point would be that of David in Psalms 51.

·         Note that it says, “they shall be comforted.” This does not mean that we will immediately be comforted but we shall be.

·         How are we comforted?  One, while we are here on earth we maybe comforted by fellow believers and most importantly of all by the Holy Spirit Himself who is called the Comforter.(   This has been so true at so many times in our walk. A brother’s word of encouragement or the Spirit’s comfort has brought so much joy at just the right moment.) Secondly, I believe that true comfort will come to all believers when they reach their heavenly home. All tears will finally be wiped away. No more sorrow, death or pain will ever touch us again.

Matthew 5:5 ( ESV )

5“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

·         Who in the world are the Meek? Are these just people who lay down or what? The word meek was used for a wild horse that was broken is now reigned in by his master. He is still strong and powerful but his power is under the control of his master. These are the people who are Spirit controlled and practice self-control. It is not about me but rather others. I do not have to assert myself among those around me. How many leaders, pastors, employers and others truly live this lifestyle before the ones who are under their authority. Did not Jesus say that to those who would be great you must learn first of all to be a servant?

·         The above is not the way of the world. Think about how the world tells us how we are to dominate others and to make ourselves known. Yet, this was a mark of Jesus life in that He was known for His gentleness. Matt. 21:4-5 Moses was known for his kindness to others in Numbers 12:3. A meek person will always be looking out for others rather than what they can get out of someone.

·         Man has always gained ground through violence and warfare, through domination and cruelty. The wild part is that the believer who is meek will eventually inherit the earth. They will also accordingly to Ps. 37:11 find an abundance of peace.

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