Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Light of the world!

Light of the world, one day you will vanquish all the darkness,
Light of the world, you alone will conquer all my foes,
Break forth through the clouds in all of your fullness,
I cry out for the day when your glory will be fully known.

And you will shine on my face, like upon the face of Moses,
And I will bask in your glory and humbly bow before your throne,
And all of my sins and this worlds will be finally righted,
When you come again, Light of the world, and take me home.

Sometimes my world, doesn't seem to make any sense at all,
Sometimes I can't even see, and doubt what you have in store,
But I know this one thing, that you are the only thing that is certain,
Light of the World, Light of the World, Shine forth,

And you will shine on my face, like upon the face of Moses,
And I will bask in your glory and humbly bow before your throne,
And all of my sins and this worlds will finally be righted,
When you come again, Light of the world, and take me home.

Despair and misery, and all of this vain worlds treasures,
Sickness and death, will be vanquished forevermore,
For one day all of this darkness will flee from your very presence,
Light of the world, shine forth, and take me home.

And you will shine on my face, like upon the face of Moses,
And I will bask in your glory and humbly bow before your throne,
And all of my sins and this worlds will be finally righted,
When you come again, Light of the world, and take me home.
Yes, when you come again, Light of the World, and take us home.

(Brothers and sisters the Darkness WILL NOT PREVAIL !!)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

He still walks near

At this moment everything seems to be fleeting,
All of time seems to flow out like a hand gripping sand,
My heart is yearning for a home marked by peace,
My soul is groaning to see the Ancient of days,

And the one who walks before me knows my soul,
He hears my groans and sees these rivers of tears,
And the one who walks before me hears my voice,
Though He knows my deepest thoughts He still walks near.

The howling of wolves and jackals draw near,
And the giants across the river gather for me,
Will my soul be crushed into the dust?
Will I be devoured by those who once were so near?

And the one who walks before me knows my soul,
He hears my groans and sees these rivers of tears,
And the one who walks before me hears my voice,
Though He knows my deepest thoughts He still walks near.

I can hear the voices of the walking dead,
They are crying for me to join them in the fray,
I have got to close my eyes and shut my ears,
Reach out my hand to Him and draw Him near.

And the one who walks before me knows my soul,
He hears my groans and sees these rivers of tears,
And the one who walks before me hears my voice,
Though He knows my deepest thoughts He still walks near.

(This and the Poem Tripping hopefully will be a trilogy of David like Psalms about the darkness and how the Lord walks with Him through it all.)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Tripping on the stairs

Tripping on the stairs
Looking for the light in the midst of the darkness,
So far God it feels like a deep dark cave,
Looking for encouragement from those around me,
Seems like it does not matter whatever they say,
Want to scream and pull over the covers,
Want to shout out do you really care?
The darkness has seemed to have overtaken, feel like I'm tripping on the stairs.

And I'm falling, falling into the arms of the Savior,
Falling, I can't even seem to catch my breath,
But I know for sure that this one thing is for certain,
That wherever  I fall, you will surely catch me there.

Though the shadows of this life seem to cover the light,
Though my heart maybe grieving over the losses of this world,
 Pain  seems to be ripping everything inside of me apart,
Uncertainty of the ground below me,
I enter into the whole mess trembling,
I enter into a vision of complete blindness,
The darkness has seemed to have overtaken, feels like I'm tripping on the stairs.

But I will be falling, falling into the arms of the Savior,
Falling, I can't even seem to catch my breath,
But I know for sure that this one is for certain,
That wherever I fall, you will surely catch me there.

Open my eyes in the midst of the darkness,
Guide me through the maze in the deep dark cave,
Help me to find my encouragement from your strong arms,
Lift me up so that I can say,
My Jesus Cares, I know my Jesus Cares.

As I'm falling, I'll be falling into the arms of my Savior,
As I'm falling, He will breathe into me His life,
Help me to see that this one thing is for certain,
That wherever I fall, You will surely catch me there.
Yes, my sweet Lord Jesus you will surely catch me there.