Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Noble Work

1 Timothy 3:1-2 ( ESV )

1The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. 

2Therefore an overseer£ must be above reproach, the husband of one wife,£ sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 

     I think that I love preaching more than anything in this world. No greater thrill or delight fills my soul more, than to open up the living and breathing Word of God and share it with others. It has been, and always will be, one of my greatest passions.

     While talking with another pastor recently we talked about the art of preaching. The two things for me that are the most important is that of a passionate heart in preaching, and above all knowledge of the Word that I am sharing. We live in a day in which some men have neither of these qualities or just one of them. As Paul would remark what good is it to have zeal without knowledge. In the same breath though what good does it do to the listener's heart who senses a passionless heart while saying all the right things. I want to KNOW that the preacher has a vital relationship with the one of whom he speaks. I think that it was R.C.Sproul who put it best that we need messages with both SALT and LIGHT.

     Yet, as important as the above things are to me in preaching. I am struck with the simplicity of God's Word and what it sees as the most important value to an Elder's life. We can have the two things of passion and the knowledge of the Word of God but if we are not MORALLY qualified as preachers or elders, all of these things are worthless and of no value at all.

     Notice what Paul tells Timothy, about someone who wants to be an Elder. This person, "desires a noble task." Being a Pastor or an Elder of a church is something of value or is a virtuous work. Virtuous is one of those words we hear little of anymore.

     This is the reason why he now makes a list of what an overseer's (Elders) life should be marked by. We are to be men that are marked by a virtuous life. Put it simply, how can we lead others if we are not living the life that we tell others that they need to live.

     Note also in verse 2 that Paul states that we MUST be marked by this type of lifestyle. I disagree with those who say, well brother Mike these are to be goals in our lives. Trust me, there are times in which we all fail these moral qualifications, but as leaders of the church of God, we are to be men who are marked by these things.

     We are to be men who have a lifestyle that others cannot easily point out our evil. Men, who are marked by our home life with our wife and children as an example to others. Men, who are not known for their anger, but rather for their kindness. Men, who are willing to reach out to others,even to the most unlovely, even to the point of opening up our doors to them. Men, who are not known as drinkers or lovers of money. The almighty dollar will not control our choices. All of these things and more listed in verses 2-7 are to be marks of our lives. 

     By our own strength and power we will never do the above list, but by the Holy Spirit of God, we can be marked by being these type of men. We can talk about ineffective preachers because of their ability with the Word or their passionless preaching. Yet, what our Savior is most concerned about is that the Leaders of the Church of God will be MARKED MEN. Men who are empowered by the Spirit of God, living out a lifestyle that will call out to others to follow the LAMB OF GOD. May He, work within our hearts, as we seek to do this noble work.

Yes, she always does look this good. I am a HAPPY man.


Joshua Hasha said...

Paul sure does lay it on the line, no mistake about it. He covers alot of bases when it comes to how the church is to be ran and the qualifications of elders and deacons. In studying this text, it seems that an awareness should leaping out at us. PRAY for our elders and deacons! They have singled them selves out as leaders in the church and the enemy would love to ruin their reputation.

I am thankful that God has given us instruction on how the church is to be ran. If it were left up to just guessing are what ever felt good then sinful man would surely fail.
1st Timothy 3:15b I write so that you will KNOW how one OUGHT to conduct himself IN the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of truth.
Man I like how Paul rights. haha

Then at the end of this chapter Charles H.Marsh turns it in to a HYMN!
Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me;
Buried, He carried my sins far away;
Rising, He justified freely forever:
One day He's coming--oh, glorious day!

Michael Moore said...

Awesome insights brother. Glad for the writing and appreciate the thoughts.