Friday, November 5, 2010

Romans 8:11

Romans 8:11 ( ESV )

11If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.

It seems like every year I wind up reading through the book of Romans. Each and every time that I read through this incredible book I am reminded of the grace of God in our lives. The first seven chapters hit me so hard with the issue of my sin and just how great it is. It isn't just the outward things but my inner man that consumes and destroys everything of good around me. As I read through this incredible book I can only sing like the old hymn, Grace, Grace, God's Grace, Grace that will pardon and cleanse within. Every part of me is filled with that of corruption and then along came Jesus.

I read on through the book and the battle is still raging even after I have received Him and have been cleansed and forgiven. I know at times that within the war I fall and lose so many of the battles that He has laid before me. I feel the conflict within of Romans 7 and shout out like Paul in verse 24, "Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?" What an answer Paul points out for us all in Chapter 8. The Spirit of God can deliver me and give me the strength to carry on.

To know that the very Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead lives within us as believers. Think about it, the Spirit of God who gave Jesus victory over the grave lives within me. I don't know about you but I still to this day can't fathom the thought of that still.

It is not enough that He has forgiven an old reprobate like me. It is not enough that he POURS out His GRACE upon me daily. The scriptures now tell me that the Spirit of God lives within me.

I am still unworthy, I am still guilty of daily sin, I am one who deserves nothing from His hand. I feel often like D.L. Moody when asked, "Are you filled with the Spirit?" Moody replied, "Yes, but I leak."  Yet, the incredible thought of Him allowing the Spirit of God to live within this vessel is beyond belief. 

The Spirit of God wants to give me resurrection power over sin while I live in this mortal body. It is only through His power and strength that we can have any type of victory. He wants us not to be debtors to the flesh but rather through His Spirit that lives within us to put to death the deeds of our body. What wondrous love is this. He allows the Spirit of God to live within us so that we do not need to be slaves to sins for we are now adopted as Sons into His family.

Lord, help me not as a child of God to rely upon my flesh to battle with sin. Help me to be dependent upon your Spirit. Give me the victory that I need through the power of your Spirit. May I live through you and you alone.

1 comment:

Michael Moore said...

The above picture was taken while we had the awesome opportunity of being at Twin Peaks Bible Camp in Colorado. I cherish this spot and have enjoyed some great times of prayer by this spring.