Wednesday, November 17, 2010


1 Thessalonians 5:18 ( ESV )

18give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Thanksgiving, it’s hard to believe that in just one more week I will be sitting in front of our table and eating the legendary turkey dinner. I love this time of year and even more so as I live in a household where I am gladly outnumbered three to one. I love the smell of the turkey and hearing my three working on a meal that’s preparation started days before. Just like others we are in awe over how much we have set before us. Laughter, eating, football, taking naps fill the day at our house. What a great day.

I also have to be honest though and tell you that sometimes though I forget what the day is all about. This should be a day that I focus my attention on how good our Lord has been to us as a family. I am amazed at how often I can complain, find fault or worry about the circumstances that I am in. I get tunnel vision when it comes to seeing only the darkness of the tunnel rather then seeing the light that is ahead or even around me at that time.

I don’t know about you but for me it always starts with what we consider the “small things”. Why is it they seem like, “small things” until they are gone? The food that is set before me, is truly a blessing from God when I think about some of my brothers in Haiti. The comfort of my house, when I know that there are others who do not even have a roof over their head. The ability to pray, and speak the name of Jesus without having to fear for our lives. A country, that despite its faults still allows me freedoms that I truly do not deserve.

The idea of thanksgiving becomes even more impressed upon my mind when I realize how Paul wrote these words under the eye of the Roman empire. God forgive me for my complaining spirit and material desires when I have been blessed more so then even the majority of this world’s population.

The circumstances though that I am faced with  whether good or what I see as bad, are all a part of His will for my life. I must admit I don’t understand that concept at times. I know this though, that He truly has been more then merciful with me through His grace. Many times I miss seeing the gifts of His grace that are still being poured out upon me. These gifts of grace are not only poured out upon me daily but every second that He allows me breath.

Lord, teach me to have a thankful heart towards you. May my heart of thanksgiving not only be just upon this special day but may I live thankfully with every breath that I take. My prayer is that you will have a great Thanksgiving this year.
Well would you look at this? They really do love each other.

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