Friday, November 12, 2010

The Mind of Christ

Philippians 2:5 ( ESV )

5Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,£ 

I truly love one of the themes that goes through the book of Philippians which is that of joy. It is truly one of the things that is so lacking in this world today. Just turn on your t.v. set long enough and you will instantly know what I mean. We need joy in our lives more today then ever before.

The problem  though, as I read the book of Philippians, is that while I  believe that  joy is important in the book, it is not the theme. I challenge you to look up the following words in the book of Philippians. Mind, remember, know, knowledge, think and thought. These words are used almost twice as much as the words dealing with joy. I know I might be picking on sacred cows with some people so please forgive me.  I see so many people looking for happiness and joy in their lives and they never obtain them. The reason I believe is that in order for us to have true joy in our lives we must first have the mind of Christ. 

What does the mind of Christ though look like? Here are just some thoughts as I scan through this book.

1. Phil. 1:6 A person who has this mindset will know that it is God who begins this good work of grace and He will finish it.

2.Phil. 1:27 A person who has this mindset will stand firm in one spirit with one mind striving side by side (with his brothers) for the faith of the gospel.

3. Phil 2:3 A person who has the mind of Christ will walk in true humility.

4. Phil. 2:4 The mind of Christ will be marked by a selfless lifestyle. (Our prime example in this is that of Christ 2:5-11. Other examples will be that of Paul 2:17-18, Timothy 2:19-24 and Epaphroditus in 2:25-30 )

5. Phil. 3:7 The mind of Christ will truly  see what is of our flesh and what is of Him and will not rely on our own righteousness. Phil. 3:9

6. Phil. 3:10 The person with the mind of Christ will want to know Him and the power of His resurrection as well as the fellowship of His suffering.

7. Phil. 3:14 The mind of Christ is found in a person who has as his goal to press on to know Christ as his prize.

8. Phil. 3:18-20 The mind of Christ will be with the one who will not set his goal on earthly things but remember where his citizenship lies.

9. Phil. 4:3 The mind of Christ is shown in us as believers when we seek to try to agree with our brothers in the Lord.

10. Phil. 4:4-4:7 Having the mind of Christ will help us in the area of joy, learning to be reasonable, be more thankful rather then worried and to truly find the peace that we need in our darkest of hours.

11. Phil. 4:8-9 I need to think about the things that are worthy of praise. I need not only think but to practice these things and the God of peace will be with me.

I thank the Father for the treasures of joy and peace. My greatest goal though and desire is to have the mind of Christ. When I have the mind of Christ all of these things become gifts from His hand. May we all like Paul say, I want to KNOW HIM.

A truly appropriate costume for Hadassah's dog.

1 comment:

Michael Moore said...

I know. I know. I thought I would have been the proud owner of a bulldog by now as well.