Luke 1:57-58 ( ESV )
58And her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown
great mercy to her, and they rejoiced with her.
The prophecy had come true as the angel had told
them it would. Everyone had come out to see this little one. They all had heard
about the barren one who now gave birth. Only a God of great mercy could allow
such a thing to take place.
Luke 1:59-60 ( ESV )
59And on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child. And they
would have called him Zechariah after his father,
On the 8th day the act of circumcision
was a sign of separation from the world and dedication to God on the 8th
day. During this time it was custom to also have picked a name. It was
tradition that the child bear ancestor’s name. Zechariah could not speak so relatives
wanted to honor the child’s father.
Think about it in a male dominated culture this
woman stood up and said no. His name would be John which meant Jehovah is
gracious or the grace of God. This did not make any sense to those gathered
Luke 1:61-63 ( ESV )
Don’t you understand Elizabeth this has never
been done before. Yet, John was the name chosen not by man but by God. He would
represent the Grace of God in their lives. Not satisfied they now go to the
father to force their point. So imagine their dismay as he wrote JOHN.
Luke 1:64-66 ( ESV )
65And fear came on all their neighbors. And all these things were
talked about through all the hill country of Judea,
66and all who heard them laid them up in their hearts, saying, “What
then will this child be?” For the hand of the Lord was with him.
As soon as he wrote the word John down he now
spoke and his first words was that of exalting his God. He had to shout it to
the mountains and Matthew 3:5 tells us how many from this hill area would be
some of John’s followers.
A supernatural act had taken place what kind of
man would this John be? Yet, even from birth the name of Jesus would be exalted
in his life. The strength of the Lord would be upon Him. Eph. 6:10
Luke 1:67-75 ( ESV )
Just as Mary and Elizabeth had been. What would
Zechariah speak about? His son, Yes, but he would speak about Jesus even more.
His son would prepare the way.
Redeem has the idea of one who is in prison and
can’t escape has redeemed us or bought us out of captivity and set us free from
the bondage of sin.)
Horns were used to defend oneself from their
enemies. It became a symbol for strength. A powerful savior had now come forth
to save sinful man. He would act like David in being a servant and still a
This one would complete the prophecies. He would
not fail in keeping one promise. Part of the promise was that the Messiah would
deliver them from their enemies. Messiah would come and deliver them us more
importantly from our sins. Why does He
want to deliver us? So that we may serve Him without fear.
The Romans mocked and despised Israel like the
Egyptians had done. Zechariah talks about a day in which they would be able to
worship without fear. We have been freed from our sins as well though to serve
Him. As the church Father’s would ask, “What is the whole duty of Man? Answer
to glorify God.” We have been saved to glorify God.
Zechariah now talks about his son.
Luke 1:76-80 ( ESV )
76 And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for
you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways,
79 to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of
death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.”
80And the child grew and became strong in spirit, and he was in the
wilderness until the day of his public appearance to Israel.
I bet he was holding his boy at this time. He
said he would be a prophet. His son would be the one who would proclaim him to
be the king and God Almighty. The one whom Isaiah had spoken of as one who
would prepare the way of the Lord. He would trumpet His coming.
He would show the way of salvation to his
people. He would preach to them their need to repent of their sins and be free
from the bondage of sin. He would see God as one who was a God of compassion,
the first rising of the sun and the stars and how the Messiah would one day
come to give light to those who sat in darkness. They would be directed to a
way of peace.
Zechariah’s tribute to his son would be that He
would exalt the name of Jesus. The utmost part of his character was his
spiritual life.
Why the desert? Because until that point when he was to talk
of the Messiah to come he would be away from the crowd or men may have exalted
him instead of Christ. Secondly, he would be alone with God and his focus would
be more on Him.
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