Matthew 5:38 ( ESV )
Exodus 21:22-25-God designed these laws to take
the law out of private hands because of vengeance and to prevent inappropriate
punishment. Instead though for many they were used for just the opposite
Lev. 24-17-22-Life for life-given so that the
one who committed the crime would have a punishment that would fit the crime.
(They were not literally applied all the time.) These acts were not meant to
sanction personal retaliation for wrong done to someone.
Matthew 5:39 ( ESV )
39But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is
evil. But£ if anyone slaps you on
the right cheek, turn to him the other also.
Jesus is now trying to teach the people that
abuses by others will come. We as believers though do not have to respond to
these abuses though like the world does. (The Law of Love?)
Do not resist-The idea is one who stands against
or to oppose. No personal vengeance the
Lord alone will make all right that has been wronged in the end. Rom. 12:19
Evil-God knows that people will mistreat others
wrongly. He is not blind.
# 1. When
we are insulted by others. Slaps-The Greek verb means to slap with the back of
a hand. This was used more as an insult then that of an act of violence. The
point is that it is better to be insulted by someone twice then to respond back
in the same way. (God is not against self-defense but in this passage he is
dealing with will our response be that of vengeance?) Remember though how this
took place in Jesus life at the trials in John 18:21-24 Jesus did answer back
but did not strike back.
Matthew 5:40 ( ESV )
# 2. Personal loss of property-The tunic was
one’s undergarment while the cloak was a person’s outer garment. The cloak was
often used as something to sleep in so the O.T. prohibited anyone from taking
it. Ex. 22:26-27 If it was to come to this realize that according to these
verses God will hear your cries for He is compassionate. (The old phrase, “He would
give you the shirt off his back.” This has the idea of am I willing to
sacrifice myself even though it is for an enemy and is not even ness. required
of me?
Matthew 5:41 ( ESV )
# 3 Am I willing to suffer the loss of my
personal liberties? According to Roman
law a soldier could compel a civilian to carry his own pack one mile. (Roman
mile a little shorter than ours. Roman mile-4,850 feet Our mile-5,200 feet.)
Roman roads were marked by milestones or mile markers made of stones that
marked over 50,000 miles of Romans roads. (A good example of this is found with Symon of
Cyrene who was forced to carry Jesus cross in Matt. 27:32)
Am I willing to submit to unreasonable demands
for the sake of the name of the Lord?
Matthew 5:42 ( ESV )
§ # 4 What happens when my finances are
infringed upon by others? In the first part we see a beggar who ask us to help
him. As a believer we should be open handed and not tight fisted. Dt. 15:7-11
or Ps. 112:5-9 but we are also told not to give foolishly to those who are
lazy. II Thess. 3:10
§ We are also not to refuse someone who might
ask us for a loan. (Many times to those who have little chance of repayment.
This is the very heart of Generosity.)
§ Key to all of this is brought up in I Peter
3:8-12. (Commit your case to the Lord in prayer.)
1 Peter 3:8-12 ( ESV )
8Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy,
brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.
9Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for
reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may
obtain a blessing.
10For £“Whoever desires to love life and see good
days, let him keep his tongue from
evil and his lips from speaking deceit;
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