Monday, February 18, 2013


    We are all destined to be on a quest. I love reading books that deal with the pursuit of something or someone by an individual who is willing to sacrifice it all. Here are just a couple of examples: King Arthur and his search for the Holy Grail. Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island. I will always love the line from the Natural by Roy Hobbs, “I always wanted to be a baseball player. To be the best there ever was and the best that there will ever be.”

     All of the above though seem to fall short when we think of Paul’s words in Phil. 3:10 I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering. To know Christ is that of the greatest quest known to mankind. This is the reason that we want to study the book of Luke so that we like Paul might be involved in the greatest quest, “TO KNOW CHRIST.”

    First of all who is this guy Luke? Can we trust him to tell the truth? I think it’s fair for us to ask especially if this deals with my eternal destiny. Can he be trusted? He is what the Bible says about him in the following passages.

·         Col. 4:14 Our dear friend Luke the Doctor. Physicians are detailed people in their profession. We see this is true of Luke when he not only describes the man with the withered hand but even tells us that it was his right hand. Yet also in this passage he is also called Dear or Beloved. Literally speaking he was a favorite or a respected one.

·         II Tim. 4:11 Only Luke is with me. At the end of Paul’s life he had a faithful companion in that of Luke. He stood beside him no matter what came his way.

·         Philemon 24 Luke my fellow worker. He was not ashamed or fearful of getting his hands dirty.
·         Lastly his name means a light giver. Now he wants to shine forth that light as we enter into Luke 1:1-4.

Luke 1:1 ( ESV )

1Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things that have been accomplished among us,

·         During this time many were speaking about Christ but it was largely done through oral means. They wanted to fulfill the great commission and proclaim the Gospel to all generations. Very little in the churches infancy was written.

·         Luke felt it was necessary to get the Gospel in an arranged order and a narrative form so it could be read and proclaimed as well. Being led by the Holy Spirit who inspired his words Luke now wrote the following narrative. You see oral tradition may accurately transmit the truth but it is not as authoritative as the written word.

·         John’s purpose in writing his Gospel according to John 20:31 was for the following reason, “That we might believe and by believing we might have eternal life.

How can we know that the Word of God is true? Go now to verse 2

Luke 1:2 ( ESV )

2just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word have delivered them to us,

·         First of all it is backed up literally by eyewitnesses to the events of Christ’s life. Detailed accounts about Christ from the beginning as he talks about John the Baptist and Christ birth are put in terms like one who was there.

·         By inspiration of the Holy Spirit. II Timothy 3:16, “All scripture is inspired…” The Holy Spirit of God helped him to put it into order.

·         He probably went to people like Peter who were “eyewitness of His majesty.” Christ told his disciples they would be witnesses because they had been with Him from the beginning in Jn. 15:27. They had to speak about what they had heard and seen. Acts 4:20

·         These were not made up stories but reliable witnesses could testify to them. These people could be trusted because they were servants of The Word. When we truly know Christ we want to be His servant and declare His glory.

Luke 1:3 ( ESV )

3it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus,

·         Not only do we have eyewitnesses but also Luke had a perfect or exact understanding of what had happened. He had thoroughly examined all of what had taken place in Christ life and was detailed in his investigation. The idea of the words used here is that he searched it out from top to bottom. (Example: Like a newspaper reporter checking his facts over and over again.)

Who is he writing this letter to? A person who is entitled, “Most excellent Theophilus.”

·         Those words for most excellent means the mightiest, the strongest, noblest they were used in addressing men of prominent rank or office. It is used of Felix and Festus in the book of Acts.

·         Theophilus means simply, “Lover of God.” What kind of effect did this book have on his life? We do not know but when Luke writes the book of Acts to Theophulis he no longer calls him most excellent but simply Theophilus. It may be that he paid a cost in following Christ and lost his ranking in life.
Why does he write the book to Theophilus and us? Take a look at verse 4

Luke 1:4 ( ESV )

4that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught.

·         So that we might know with a firmness and without a doubt who Christ is and so that we can make our personal quest in knowing the Christ who lived and died and rose again for us. Literally brothers and sisters here is the ROCK on which we can stand. Like Peter in II Peter 1:16 we can say, “We have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ but were EYEWITNESS OF HIS MAJESTY.”

1.       We can know Christ not by merely trusting others and what they say about Him but by our own reading and taking heed to the Word of God.

2.       We can stand behind the Word to others because it has eyewitness, it has been investigated, by the moral character of the author and most importantly of all because it is inspired by the Holy Spirit of God.

3.       Realize that by being obedient to the Word of God it might cost us. Remember the example of Theophulis.

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