Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The two gates

Matthew 7:13 ( ESV )

13“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy£ that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.

o    Erdman states, “There are 3 main contrast brought up in this passage. 1. Wide and narrow gate. 2. Death and life. 3. Few and many.

o    Enter-This has the idea of the Lord begging us to go this way. He does not want anyone to perish but rather that all should come to repentance.

o    Narrow Gate-The idea of a tight fit that has obstacles and is not easy to go through. (Ex: My paranoia with dollar stores and their aisles. Caving days and going through narrow passages and climbing up chimneys with a rope.)

o    Why the idea of narrow? It is through Jesus alone that we can get to Heaven. Secondly, as Warren Wiersbe puts it, “Did your profession of faith cost you anything? If not it was not a true profession.”

·         Wide-The other gate will look attractive. It is spread out flat and wide. (Ex. The old song, “Don’t fence me in.”) This is the road most travelled on and it has been trodden down by many who have gone on before you. It is easier, more acceptable and people are lured in by its comfort.

·         In context I like what the Bible Knowledge Commentary has to say, “Jesus is talking quite a bit about the outward righteousness of the Pharisees and those who listened to them as they would lead them down the road to destruction.”
·         This is as we see in the passage a road that leads to destruction. The words used for destruction here have the idea of Ruin or loss, damnable, perdition or waste. This is where this path will lead you.

·         Many-The vast majority will go down this way. There is an abundance of company to found upon this road. This would be the most natural way to go. Eerdmans: “It is not difficult to be lost just follow the crowd.”

·         The scriptures say, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.” Prov. 14:12
·         Salvation is by grace alone but it was never meant to be easy to accept.

Matthew 7:14 ( ESV )

14For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

Ø  Once again the idea of narrow has the idea of to crowd, afflict, suffer tribulation and trouble. The Christian life will not be an easy one. Don’t believe the phrase, “It’s so easy.” Jesus way was about inward transformation not just religion so that we could have eternal life.

Ø  This narrow gate though will lead us away from the path that would lead us to destruction.

Ø  Life-God wants to offer us life not death. John 3:16-17 esp. v. 17 “For God sent His son into the world not to condemn the world but that the world through Him might have life.” He wants us to turn away from our path that leads to destruction and go on the path that leads to life.  John. 14:6 He is the Way.

Ø  Find it-Has the idea of to obtain it or to see. For many who are lost they are spiritually blind and cannot see because they are blinded by the god of this world. II Cor. 4:3-4

Ø  Few-Literally the word means PUNY.

A similar passage to this can be found in Luke 13:22-30 But instead of a gate he talks about a narrow door that has been shut.

Ø  Verse 24 puts it in these terms, “ Strive to enter through the narrow door, Many will seek to enter and will not be able.” The idea of coming by faith and by faith alone is so foreign to some that it is impossible for them to even be able to conceive of that idea. (It must be something I do becomes their thinking.)

Ø  The people want in but the Lord says, “I do not know where you come from and depart from me all you workers of evil.” They will find weeping, gnashing of teeth and see their forefathers being taken into the kingdom, along with even the Gentiles taking their place in the kingdom. But they will be placed on the outside in a place called Hell.

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