Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas blessings

     Let me start this  blog by not saying, Happy Holidays but rather MERRY CHRISTMAS. What a true joy it is to know that He truly is the focus of these days whether the world sees or understands that fact. It is a truth. He is the reason for the season and for the joy that we can have.

     When I think of this time of year I am also reminded of the gifts that are given and the year that has passed. Yet, when I talk of the gifts that have been given I am not talking about the material things as such but rather the blessings that He has poured out upon this year.


     This Christmas is a special one for the two of us as it was 25 years ago that Julie and I celebrated our first Christmas together. She would take a bus all the way from Lincoln Nebraska and meet me in Little Rock. We then drove from there all the way to my mother and father's home in Gravette Arkansas. She survived my parents, family members and fit in with all of us. It would be one of my favorite Christmases ever and during that New Years Eve I would propose to her at the old Grace Baptist Church in Fayetteville, Arkansas. 

     There is not a day that I do not thank the Lord for allowing her to be be a part of my life. She has always been the reason in our family and the one who has always allowed me to dream. She has stood by me in the midst of celebration and even in the most difficult of storms. 

     No longer can we claim her as our oldest teen as Hannah celebrated her 20th birthday this year. We are so proud of her as she is now halfway through her training at Frontier School of the Bible. She has worked hard to put herself through college with scholar jobs and working during the summer months. We have also so appreciated the gifts sent to her through our old church, friends and loved ones. The best part is seeing how she is growing the wisdom of the things of the Lord and becoming the godly young woman we have had the joy of watching grow.

          What a trip to see our youngest one now a senior. She is doing well with her courses with her mother and has only one more semester to go. She works at a local grocery chain here in Lincoln called Hy-Vee.  She is a hard worker and has already received a couple of raises. She is also looking for her first car. We are also excited as she is planning going on a short term missions trip to Nicaragua for about nine days this summer. She has applied for her passport and is seeking the Lord's face.

Our Calvary Church Family

     Two years ago we would never have dreamed of living in Lincoln Nebraska and becoming members of the church that my wife grew up in and came to know Christ through. Yet, the Lord's plans are often more different than ours and they are always good.

     What a joy it is to see Pastor Godwin still at the helm of the church here. He started this church 40 years ago and has remained their pastor ever since. Even though the church is quite large we have always been amazed at how He has sought us out, took me out to coffee, spent precious time praying for us as a family. His wife and His staff of pastors are a unique group of people who have a unity that is seldom seen and we have been so blessed by and to be a part of. The church family has ministered to us in so many ways that we could never repay them for their acts of love and kindness.

     We have also been blessed by a great Sunday School class led by the one and only Sid Swanson. We have a blast studying the Word of God in the classroom. Even our bunny trails have always led us back to the awesomeness of the Great God we serve. Not only have we seen this class in its teaching mode but also seen the blessing of them acting as brothers and sisters when we had to move earlier this year and how they went out of their way to help us.

     As many of you know we have been seeking a ministry that we could serve in full time. We have went through various doors of ministry only to find them closed but we have made some brothers and sisters who will forever be dear to us. 

     I have been working temporary jobs and the Lord has allowed me to have 2 jobs that I have been able to work at. This is not a common thing for temp workers as they usually will have several more during the course of the year. At Norvartis I was only supposed to have a 6 week job that lasted over 7 months. The job that I am currently at work with is doing scanning and filing for a group called American Home Patient. Once again a job that was supposed to only last for 6 weeks has now went on for almost 4 months or longer. We are trying to find a higher paying job but as of yet have not been able to. I am grateful in that I have made some dear friends here. Many of them do not know the Lord so I thank Him for the ability to share with them.

     Julie will possibly be working at a local day care center not to far from where we live. She will probably start up at the beginning of this year. Pray for us as we continue to send out resumes, make phone calls and also look for possible ministries. Yet, we also pray that no matter what that He will use us where we are at.

     One of the great blessings of our lives through the years is knowing that so many of you have been behind us in prayer. Some of you have been by our sides since the days of North Arkansas Gospel Mission, Calvary Bible Church in Grand Junction, Sandusky Baptist Church and Reeves Bible Church. You will never know what your prayers, financial support, letters of encouragement have meant to us through the years. Your friendship has been so special to us and we thank God for all of you who have walked together with us through so many things.

     In light of all these things we are truly a blessed family. Yet even more during this season we thank the Father for the unspeakable gift of His Son. After all these years my heart still cannot get over the joy of a savior who was willing to give His life for us and for that alone we will be forever grateful. A savior who would humble himself to become a babe and give of His life for you and me. 

     Yes, we are blessed brothers and sisters and for that I am beyond thankful to a God who would love me so. Have a great Christmas and may the joy of our savior and His blessings fill your heart this Christmas and the year to come.

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