Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I have been set free.

"I have been set free....I know Jesus and He knows me."

     These are the words that came blaring out of my car stereo as I was coming back home from work today. It was sung by one of my favorite Christian groups of the mid 90s by the name of Big Tent Revival. The song was called, "The Ballad of Arliss Richards." I have always loved that song but today it spoke to me profoundly. 

     I guess the reason why it sounded so good to me today is that it reminded me of our joy that we have as believers. Knowing that we have a savior who has set us free is an incredible thing. I was reminded of the cost of that freedom. The preciousness of His blood being poured out for me. We are truly undeserving of His mercy and grace.

     I was reminded of my past and how that as vile as I was He would reach down in His grace and set me free. I have never forgotten that and I pray that I never will. It has now been almost 34 years ago when He heard my prayer and saved this wretch. I tell you it was with joy that I cried all the way back home from work today. Rejoicing that no matter what has come or will come in my world. I have been saved and that the master of the universe loves me.

     Yet, not only have I been set free but these words ring true in my ears as well. HE KNOWS ME. That is the beauty of it all brothers. This savior who not only redeemed me and set me free also has a relationship with me. I am a child of the king. I can look into the Lord's face and call Him Father. He knows my deepest sorrows, pain, joys and what makes me tick. Yet, He still chooses to be a part of my life.

     He knows our motives both good and bad. The world may not even understand us at times or judge us unfairly but we have a savior who truly knows all about us. He cares for us intimately and at all times wants what is best for us. If He knows when the sparrow falls or the amount of hairs that we might have on our head and is concerned with such finite detail. How much more does He care for us?

     So, "I will sing of my redeemer and His wondrous love for me." Today, I pray that you will rejoice in your salvation as well and give Him all the praise.

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