Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Lust of the flesh

Matthew 4:3 ( ESV )

3And the tempter came and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.”

     As we continue to study about the temptation of Christ, let us not just look at it from an academic standpoint. I believe that there are some simple and practical things that Jesus did that we can apply to our own walks when we are tempted. So as we look at the passage let us also try to look for ways on how we can have victory in our lives.

·          Note what Satan is called here, The Tempter
·          If-Two ways this could be taken one: A suggestion of mocking as if you are not. Or two: It could be simply translated Since, you are the Son of God.
·          Son of God-Key issue though here is that he is the Son of God.
·          Bread- Typical bread of that time would have been oblong in form or a round cake, thick as ones thumb. Broken not cut. The tempter knew that our Savior was hungry and knew that His flesh would have craved to be fed. The tempter knows where we are weak and will come at us in our weakest moment. God could provide a table in the wilderness.
·          Think about it this is the same one who would feed the 5,000. The children of Israel would complain to the Lord about how they were starving and how God was not providing the way that they thought was best. Look at Psalms 78:18-19. “They tested God in their heart by demanding the food they craved. They spoke against God, saying, “Can God spread a table in the wilderness?” There is no doubt that Jesus could have done this but he laid aside any fleshly desire in order to please His Father.

In temptations avoid things that would open your heart to fleshly desires.

Matthew 4:4 ( ESV )

4But he answered, “It is written, £“ ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ”

·          Answered-Note in all 3 replies from Christ He uses the Word and Esp. and all from Dt.
·          It is written-Jesus will use the Word of God as His resource when He is tempted. (How much more should we quote and memorize the Word?  Dt. 8:3 In this passage God allowed Israel to hunger so that He might teach them that He was their true provider.
·          Bread alone-The physical is not the most important thing in our lives.  God’s Word is what will nourish our hearts and souls.

In temptation realize it is the Word of God that will give us strength. Memorize His word especially verses that deal with issues that you are most tempted by.
When tempted remember the physical things that we crave for so much will pass away. Live for the eternal.

The pride of life

Matthew 4:5-6 ( ESV )

5Then the devil took him to the holy city and set him on the pinnacle of the temple

6and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written, £“ ‘He will command his angels concerning you,’and “ ‘On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.’ ”

·          Then-Idea is that one temptation after another is thrown out at Jesus.
·          Holy City-That of Jerusalem
·          Pinnacle-Top of the S/E corner facing the deep part of the Kidron valley. Josephus says at one point it was a drop off of 450 feet.
·          For it is written-Ps. 91:11-12 for it is written -- (Ps 91:11, 12). "But what is this I see?" exclaims stately BISHOP HALL. "Satan himself with a Bible under his arm and a text in his mouth!"—Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary
·          Satan quotes scripture here to emphasize his point from Ps. 91:11-12 but leaves out the phrase concerning to guide you in all your ways. If Jesus did this He would not be walking in God’s ways by tempting his Father like the Israelites did in the desert. Jesus at all times wanted to do his Father’s will.
·          Lest you strike-Surely the angels will protect you.

When tempted realize we have nothing to prove. When pride starts to creep in I constantly ask myself is this how the servant attitude of Jesus would respond? Lord help me to give you ALL THE GLORY.

Another thing that stands out to me about this passage is Satan misquoting scripture. Realize brothers and sisters just because someone uses scripture to prove their point does not mean that they are using it rightly.
Keep in our heart and head that the applause of men will quickly pass away.

Matthew 4:7 ( ESV )

7Jesus said to him, “Again it is written, £‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’”

·          Again-Comes back once again to the source of truth and uses the Word of God. This makes sense as he is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE.
·          Written-Cited from Dt. 6:16. The people were grumbling about the Lord’s provisions for them and demanding that God would provide water at Massah.
·          Test-We will not presume upon the goodness and mercy of God. We do not have to prove ourselves to mankind and thereby taking pride about who we are or what we have done. If we boast in anything Let it be in Jesus Christ alone.

The lust of the eyes

Matthew 4:8-9 ( ESV )

8Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.

9And he said to him, “All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me.”

·          Again-Just like us the temptations just keep piling upon Jesus.
·          Showed Him-In temptation Satan will try to tempt us through the eye gate. Sin is pleasing to our eyes.

·          Kingdoms-Father had promised the kingdom but the Son had to die and suffer first and then rise again. Jn. 12:23-33. Often lust of the eyes pushes us to go ahead of God’s program for our lives.

·          Give you-Valid because at this time Satan is called the god of this world. II Cor. 4:4. It lies in His power Jn. 12:31 and 14:30. It will be given to the Son. (Yet, Jesus knew the following statement was true, No Cross, No Crown. He had to suffer for our sin.)

·          Worship me-The ultimate desire of Satan is to be worshiped. Is. 14:12-14. He wanted Jesus to Bow down to him.

One of the questions we must always ask is, “Lord am I running ahead of your program?” If so show me now. When we fail during our times of temptation we must realize that we are bowing down to the Evil one. A great prayer during times of temptation is, “Father, help me right now to only BOW down before you.”

Matthew 4:10-11 ( ESV )

10Then Jesus said to him, “Be gone, Satan! For it is written, £“ ‘You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.’ ”

11Then the devil left him, and behold, angels came and were ministering to him.

·          Then-After this temptation.
·          Be gone-Satan will always flee at the commands of Christ.
·          Written-Dt. 6:13 I will only fall at the feet of the Lord.

·         Then-After Jesus command.

·         Left Him-This is for a short time as Luke 4:13 tells us he would come back again at an opportune time. Temptation is a constant thing.

·         Angels-Angels of God now come forth. Sometimes when we face temptations alone only at a time later is relief and comfort shown.  God will though comfort us one day.

After we are tempted do not let your guard down. Satan will once again look for an opportune time. We must always be prepared with the armor of God from Ephesians placed upon us.

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