Thursday, September 1, 2011


     One of my pastoral friends came over the other day. We had a great time of eating and fellowshipping about our lives and the things of Christ. I cherish those kinds of days where Christ is the focus of our conversation.

     We then got on a topic that is near and dear to my heart. The topic was that of the word” Obsession”. It was brought up as he saw my Chicago Bears stuff that I have on my wall. Then, it really got going when he saw my old movie poster of Vertigo. You might say that I am Obsessed with both of these things. The wild part is that, at the main crux of the movie, Vertigo is Jimmy Stewart’s obsession with Kim Novak. Then again, all the great movies and stories deal with having obsession at their core.

     I believe though, at the heart of every individual, they are obsessed with something or someone in their lives. This becomes their very heart and soul, and in many instances, their god.  We become intertwined with a team, hobby, object or a person.  Some will get to a point where they cannot live without it. They will do anything to obtain that object. They will risk all that they have and who they are to have it as part of their life. They become like Gollum with his Precious.

     This one word alone, I believe, is at the heart of Christianity. We, as followers of the Lamb, are to be obsessed with Christ alone. I look at the parable of the pearl of great price in Matthew 13. Here is a man who is willing to sell all that he has for it so that he can have it as his own. The radical lifestyle of the apostles, as they left all that they had to follow after Him. 

     An obsession with Christ made his follower fearless.  They were willing, like Zacchaeus, to make up for the wrong that he had done. They were willing, like Stephen, to take a stand even though it would cost him his life. They were willing to spread the Gospel, like Paul, to those on distant shores.

     At the heart of this magnificent obsession is the word Love. He first showed us His love by being willing to die for a people who did not love Him. This is a concept which, I truly believe, that I will never understand. He, the perfect one, was willing to give of His life for His enemies.

     It is because of the love of Christ that I am obsessed with Him.  He alone, becomes that cold drink of water in a dry and thirsty land. In Christ alone will I find peace, joy, hope and a myriad of other things.  I can never repay Him for what He has done upon the cross.

     May he become our magnificent obsession. May our eyes see Jesus only, as we travel on this journey.

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