Sunday, August 7, 2011


Mark 1:14 ( ESV )

14Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God,

     We were told that he would come in the spirit of Elijah. Like Elijah he had spoken the truth of the Word of God. Elijah had stood up against King Ahab and his false prophets of doom. John the Baptist would stand against a ruler by the name of Herod and it would eventually in the end, cost him his very life. He would be arrested, for telling Herod that it was not right for him to have his brother’s wife. Herod would have John imprisoned for speaking truth. Herodias would boil with seething hatred for this man and would use her own daughter as a sexual plaything to entice Herod to have John beheaded. His message had simply been REPENT for the Lord is coming.

    We live in a world that is trying so often to sugarcoat the message of Christ. Be careful, becomes the calling card of the church today, “After all we do not want to offend.” I agree that there are some who have made the Gospel to seem odious because of their attitude in sharing. The Gospel should offer hope to a sin sick world. Yet, I also know that it will offend when we tell others that we are all sinners in need of a savior. The Gospel by its very nature, will remind men, of their need to turn from sin. Many want to believe  that their sin is not as evil as the sins of  others. The Gospel exposes such foolishness and will always point us to our need of Jesus. Preach on.

     It is in this kind of hostile environment that Jesus now has makes His ministry public. Of all the places Jesus chooses to go to after John was arrested, why Galilee? Isaiah 8:16-22 would tell us that the area Jesus went to was a place filled with doom and gloom. It was a place of much false religion. Galilee had become a place where people sought to hear the voices of the dead.  It was slowly becoming a cesspool of unbelief. It was the perfect place for our Lord to bring forth His message of Hope.

      Matthew in his parallel account of this passage would quote these beautiful words from the prophet Isaiah from chapter 9:1-2. “ The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles-the people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light, and for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death on them a light has dawned.”

     The Light of the World now stood before them in the midst of their darkness. The Light of the World boldly proclaimed to them the Good News from God. What was even more amazing was that this Good News was standing right before their eyes.

Mark 1:15 ( ESV )

15and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”

     It was time for them to now get ready for Jesus was now getting ready to put the Father’s plan into action. John had declared to them all that the Messiah would come. John had declared to them all to get ready for Jesus was coming. Now with Jesus standing there the time was now fulfilled. The Prophecy was now made visible before all of man.

     When we look at the term the kingdom of God in this passage, I believe that Jesus is speaking of two things. One, from the spiritual aspect of things, Jesus would now set up His rule in men’s hearts. Secondly, there would come a day in which Jesus would set up His physical kingdom here on earth, so be prepared. Wake up as John’s prophecy was now reality.

    Repent, change your way of thinking about this world and its hold upon you. Repent, of the sin which so desperately binds you. We first of all must see ourselves as empty and desperate sinners who have nothing to offer to the king of kings. In seeing this as truth and how we have offended the living God we must believe in the Gospel. We must come before Him and receive His precious gift of eternal life. We do not know the hour or the time of His coming. He wants us to believe in Him so that He can set up His reign in our heart. He wants us to do this before His physical kingdom comes and it will be far too late. He is at hand.

    One may ask though how does this passage affect me as a believer though? I have received Christ into my life. I think as believers we need to ask ourselves a some very blunt questions and that is simply this, “Am I fearless in sharing the Gospel with others? Am I fearful of how I may sound or what I might look like? Do I fear men more than my savior who was willing to endure the mocking and scorn of the cross for my sake? Lord, even at the cost of possible death help me to be fearless when it comes to you.

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